REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, 2001. MAYOR MICHAEL TRIPODI PRESIDED. ROLL CALL Roll Call at 8:00 P.M. showed the following Council Members present: Carmela Colosimo, Gregg David, Richard Falcetano, and Ed Galasso. Council Members Kathi Fiamingo and Richard LoForte were absent. Mayor Tripodi read the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act. The Salute to the Flag was led by Mayor Tripodi. MINUTES It was moved by Colosimo, seconded by Galasso and carried, that the minutes of the Work Session Meeting of July 10th, the Regular Meeting of July 11th and the Special Meeting of July 25, 2001 be dispensed with and approved as submitted. (Copies furnished each Council Member prior to the meeting.) COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS
Public Utilities for revision of water service rates. Hearing is on Thursday, Sept. 13, 2001 at 7:30 P.M. at the Westfield Council Chambers. South 21st Street Municipal Lot from October 12 to October 14 as a group is going on a trip. of Seniors to the Annual R.S.V.P. Volunteer Recognition Luncheon at L�Affaire on Thursday, September 20, 2001. REPORTS
It was moved by Galasso, seconded by Falcetano and carried, that the above communications be received and filed and any money amounts indicated be spread over the minutes.
REPORTS OF COMMITTEES MAYOR�S REPORT Mayor Tripodi announced that the Borough was awarded the REDI grant for a couple of proposals to jointly consider with the Board of Education so we will be meeting with the Board of Education and the grantsmen who are serving as consultants for these shared services projects which are sharing DPW services and the TV studio. He also reported that the County did deliver the new van for the seniors and we hope to have our other bus by the first week of October. Mayor Tripodi thanked the County for their van and also for helping us with our Civil Defense Bldg. on 14th Street, in particular Freeholder Al Mirabella and Ben Laganga from the Emergency Management office. Mayor Tripodi announced that Sept. 30th will be the inaugural event for the first Kenilworth Sports Hall of Fame. The trip will be to the Foxwoods and includes a stayover and is being run by former Mayor Mancino who does a fine job with it. He also reported that the Kenilworth Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a "Business to Business Expo" at the Kenilworth Inn in September, possibly the 3rd weekend. He would like to encourage the residents and the businesses to attend and thanked the Kenilworth Inn for sponsoring this event. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Councilwoman Colosimo reported that last evening they met with Borough Engineer Mike Disko and he stated that all of the Year 2000 projects have been completed and many of the Year 2001 projects have been put out to bid or have been accepted adding that she was happy to hear that. Councilwoman Colosimo pointed out item #16 on the agenda which requests the County of Union not to make any changes which would alter the natural state of Black Brook Park. She explained that she had heard changes were going to be made to the Park so she contacted Freeholder Al Mirabella who put her in touch with Chuck Sigmund, the Director of the Parks. She said she voiced her concerns and let him know that Kenilworth needs to be part of any changes which may be taking place. Councilwoman Colosimo said that Mr. Sigmund said nothing will be in the works for possibly ten years. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Councilman Galasso announced that he was in receipt of the Chief�s report for the month of August and read the following highlights: the two new recruits, Bryson and Benkovich are starting the Police Academy on August 3rd and are expected to graduate on December 4th; Sgt. Hannon completed UCERT and SWAT training and Officer Lueddeke attended a breathalyzer operator course. Councilman Galasso read the following letter into the minutes: Dear Chief Dowd: During the time period of January 8, 2001 to July 13, 2001 Kenilworth Police Officer Justin Marranca was assigned to the Union County Narcotics Strike Force. During this period he was involved in multifaceted aspects of narcotics investigations such as undercover operations, electronic surveillance intercepts, search warrant executions and the handling of specific sources of information. We found Officer Marranca to excel in narcotics work. As an undercover officer he made numerous undercover purchases from suspects around the County. He was willing to make himself available at all hours of the day, often putting in his own time to accomplish the job. Officer Marranca is a dedicated investigator who was tenacious in his pursuit of drug dealers. His investigative knowledge and written communications consistently improved REPORT OF COMMITTEES (CONT.) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (CONT.)
during his tenure. As to initiative and productivity, Officer Marranca excelled at both. Officer Marranca enjoyed investigative success while assigned to the narcotics strike force and what he learned will undoubtedly continue to benefit the Kenilworth Police Department and its citizens. Very truly yours, Thomas Manahan Prosecutor of Union County Councilman Galasso noted the major drug bust which just took place in town, on the Boulevard where we were able to take 700 tabs of ecstasy off the street. Since the beginning of August, the total number of ecstasy tabs confiscated in Kenilworth is probably upwards of 2000, because of guys like Justin and the assistance of the Union County Strike Force. He said that our guys do a heck of a job and they should be commended. Mayor Tripodi also commended Det. Dopf for doing a wonderful job in organizing "National Lights Out" events. Councilman Galasso added that this was the best in many years. DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RECREATION, LIGHTING AND ECOLOGY Councilman Falcetano reminded everyone that the annual Carnival is in full swing and urged everyone to stop by and enjoy it. He also read the following letter addressed to the Kenilworth Fire Department into the minutes: July 10, 2001 Gentlemen: We wanted to take a moment to thank you for the wonderful job you did on the Fireworks July 7th and for the grand tour you gave our children of your truck. The Fireworks were among the most enjoyable in years and the kids are still talking of how much fun you are. As discussed, please feel free to drop by our office any time with the plans for your new project and we will be happy to review it with regard to your concrete and masonry needs. Thanks again for making July 7th a great family event and as always for all of the wonderful work you all do regularly for the community. Best Regards, Lenny LaTorre DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE Councilman David said that his departments were quiet for the most part during the summer, however, he reported the resignation of the health sanitarian, John Obryk who left for greener pastures. He added that in the meantime, the Board of Health is being covered by Union.
BILLS Consolidated Bill List appears on the following pages.
CONSENT AGENDA Resolutions No. 1 through 19 are listed under Consent Agenda attached and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. All items will be recorded individually in full in the minutes. Council Member Galasso moved that all items under Consent Agenda be approved, seconded by Council Member Colosimo. Upon roll call the vote was unanimous. RESOLUTION NO. 1 Be It Hereby Resolved: That all bills be paid when properly audited and funds are available. RESOLUTION NO. 2 Be It Hereby Resolved: Whereas, the Municipal Court�s check books show uncashed old checks. These checks should be voided and the monies be turned over to the Borough of Kenilworth. Now, Therefore, Be It Hereby Resolved that the Kenilworth Court Administrator be authorized to draw said warrants in the amount of $212.00 from the Court�s General Account and $18.00 from the Court�s Special Bail Account. RESOLUTION NO. 3 Be It Hereby Resolved: Whereas, It has been found that an overpayment of 2000 4th Qtr taxes have been made on property located at 15 So. 23rd Street. Now, Therefore, Be It Hereby Resolved that the Treasurer after proper notation on the tax account record by the collector of taxes be and is hereby authorized to issue a warrant for refund of said overpayment as stated below. BLOCK LOT PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT 117 24 Smith, Thomas A. $59.02 Check Payable to: Thomas A. Smith 15 So. 23rd Street Kenilworth, NJ 07033 RESOLUTION NO. 4 Be It Hereby Resolved: Whereas, it has been found that an overpayment of 2001 3rd & 4th Qtr taxes have been made on properties listed below. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Treasurer after proper notation on the tax account record by the collector of taxes be and is hereby authorized to issue a warrant for refund of said overpayment as stated below. BLOCK LOT PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT 52 15 James & Barbara Robertson $599.39 75 1 Elshiekh Enterprises LLC $249.97 138 17 Diane Bieber $ 42.10 161 11.02 V & R Realty Inc. $483.61 CONSENT AGENDA (CONT.) RESOLUTION NO. 5 Be It Hereby Resolved: Whereas, It has been found that an overpayment of 2001 3rd Qtr taxes have been made on property located at 723 Kingston Avenue. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Treasurer after proper notation on the tax account record by the collector of taxes be and is hereby authorized to issue a warrant for refund of said overpayment as stated below. BLOCK LOT PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT 125 8 Bange $930.90 Check Payable To: Pryga & Petronko 163 West Milton Ave. Rahway, NJ 07065 RESOLUTION NO. 6 Resolution appears on the following page. (Insertion of an Item of Revenue into 2001 Budget � Dept. of Community Affairs REDI Grant = $14,250.00) RESOLUTION NO. 7 Resolution appears on the following page. (Insertion of an Item of Revenue into 2001 Budget � Dept. of Community Affairs REDI Grant = $14,220.00) RESOLUTION NO. 8 Resolution appears on the following page. (Renewing Contract for Emergency Generator Maintenance Services at the Municipal Building with S.B.P. Industries - $600.00) RESOLUTION NO. 9 Resolution appears on the following page. (Certification that the Governing Body has reviewed the General Comments and Recommendations sections of the Annual Audit)
CONSENT AGENDA (CONT.) RESOLUTION NO. 10 Be It Hereby Resolved: Whereas, the following property was issued a building permit, and fees were received by the Building Department; Whereas, it has been found that the owner is entitled to a senior citizen reduced fee as per Borough Ordinance No. 99-5, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to draw a warrant to refund the following amount to: Mr. Frank Pugliese 229 North 13th Street Kenilworth, NJ 07033 Amount of $149.00 for Permit #00-0151 RESOLUTION NO. 11 Be It Hereby Resolved: That the Borough Clerk be authorized to issue the following Raffle Licenses: #729 to Court of St. Theresa�s for an Off-Premise 50/50 to be held 12/15/01 #730 to Kenilworth Rotary Club for an On-Premise 50/50 to be held 9/28/01 #731 to the Kenilworth Rotary Club for an On-Premise Mdse. Raffle to be held 9/28/01 #732 to St. Theresa�s Home School Assoc. for an On-Premise 50/50 to be held 9/13/01 #733 to Kenilworth Knights of Columbus for an Off-Premise 50/50 to be held 11/8/01 RESOLUTION NO. 12 Resolution appears on the following page. (Authorizing a Professional Services Contract for a REDI Grant feasibility study for shared services between the Borough of Kenilworth and the Kenilworth Board of Education to The Bruno Group) RESOLUTION NO. 13 Resolution appears on the following page. (Authorizing a Professional Services Contract for a REDI Grant feasibility study for sharing various local television studio services between the Borough of Kenilworth and Kenilworth Board of Education to The Bruno Group) RESOLUTION NO. 14 Be It Hereby Resolved: That all Construction Department fees for the renovation work to be done at the Kenilworth Firehouse be waived. CONSENT AGENDA (CONT.) RESOLUTION NO. 15 Resolution appears on the following page. (Urging the NJ State Legislature to move & pass the Reauthorization of the Clean Communities Act) RESOLUTION NO. 16 Resolution appears on the following page. (Requesting that the County of Union make no changes to alter the natural state of Black Brook Park without consultation with concerned Borough Residents) RESOLUTION NO. 17 Resolution appears on the following page. (Objecting to the rate increase petition of Elizabethtown Water company which is before the Board of Public Utilities) RESOLUTION NO. 18 Resolution appears on the following page. (Request to Union County Freeholders for approval of the closing of the Boulevard from 23rd Street to 18th Street for the Octoberfest Street Fair on Sunday, October 21, 2001) RESOLUTION NO. 19 Resolution appears on the following page. (Authorizing Borough Engineer Michael Disko to issue a work change order for the Streetscape Project and to negotiate with PSE&G for leasing of poles for lighting) GENERAL BUSINESS No one desired to be heard.
MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Courtney Cicone, Vernon Avenue, presented to the Mayor and Council a petition from the residents of Vernon Avenue which read: We the residents of Vernon Avenue in Kenilworth would like to consider either turning Vernon Avenue into a dead-end or one-way street. There is parking on both sides of the street and as a two-way street it is extremely hard traffic for both ways. We have seen fights erupt with the residents and the passers-by and the width of the street is way too small. We are all now newer residents with small children and are petrified to let our children out in front of our houses because people turn the corners off Michigan and Market and basically speed down the street. Our street is nothing but a cut through for the A&P, Schering Plough and Fed-Ex and they have no regard for the people who live there and they do not pay attention to the traffic signs. Mrs. Cicone explained that her neighbor�s son was almost hit and as taxpayers they would like to know what can be done. Councilman Galasso said he will get back to her. Barbara Morison, Vernon Avenue, said although she has no small children she agrees that the problem on this street is horrendous. She said they are swamped with traffic everyday and she is also concerned about the children and added that she has a hard time just pulling out of her driveway. Fred Soos, Epping Drive, asked if Councilman David had a chance to look into getting an alarm for the Library? Councilman David said a fire alarm was installed, however, since the Library was on summer recess, it was not discussed. They will be meeting soon and he is sure it will be discussed. Mr. Soos said Harding School will be opening soon and asked if anything will be done, in regards to the parking and traffic problems? Councilman Galasso said no progress. Mr. Soos said when he brought it up in June it was supposed to be discussed. Now school is opening in two weeks and we will have the same fiasco we had in June. He said he thinks this is terrible. Also in June, Councilwoman Colosimo said she would form a committee to look into the security problems within the Police Department and he asked her if anything had been done. Councilman Galasso replied that this would fall under the police sub-committee however nothing has been done yet. Livio Mancino, North 24th Street, said he agreed with the people who were here this evening to talk about Vernon Avenue and noted to Councilman Galasso that any change in a street requires approval from the State which takes a long time. He recommended that the Vernon Avenue residents follow up by going to the County. Mr. Mancino thanked the Mayor for promoting the golf tournament, however, he noted that the committee has been restructured and it will now support the newly organized "Kenilworth Sports Hall of Fame". He also wished to commend the police department for their work during the many storms we have had this summer. In regards to MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (CONT.) Black Brook Park, he said the County has put out their Master Plan which outlines their goals for the next ten years. He said Kenilworth is on the receiving end of some really good things and we should not try to upset the apple cart Councilwoman Colosimo said that she is not against the repairs that they want to make, however, she does not want them to do anything which will upset the tranquility of the park. Mr. Mancino then recommended to the Mayor and Council that they ask the Borough Engineer to review the Master Plan for the park. He said he feels the plans will make the park look beautiful. Councilwoman Colosimo said they intend to put in barbecues and a pavilion. Mr. Mancino said either way this is years down the road, however, there should be a committee or the Engineer should still keep on top of it. Mr. Mancino informed Councilman Galasso that the light at Schering is not working again and he almost got hit. He then said that there is an American Flag on display at the post office and there is no light on it. It is also frayed and he offered to pay for a replacement if the Post Office cannot afford to pay for one. Mr. Soos had a few comments on the new Senior Citizen�s van. He said it rides terrific, it has leather seats and seatbelts for everyone, however, it is very hard to get in and out. Another concern he had was with the street openings and the patchings. He asked who is overseeing the openings? Councilman David said that the Borough Engineer is supposed to. Mr. Soos said everyone knows you cannot pave a street the same day you open it. Mayor Tripodi explained the street opening procedure, adding that there is escrow taken and if it is not fixed properly, we hold the escrow until it is. Mr. Soos said if the engineer is not there, how can he inspect them? Mr. Soos said that he is on the job site more than the engineer and suggested that we go to Garwood or Cranford and see how nicely they�re done there. In particular he said everyone should check out the job on North 19th Street, it was like a speed bump and now it is sinking. Mayor Tripodi said he will ask Mike Disko to look at it. Mr. Soos recommended a core-drill. It is an inexpensive and easy way to test a patch to see if it was properly done.
MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (CONT.) Debbie Grahm, Vernon Avenue, said that they have paved the top of Vernon Avenue several times since November and said her husband, who works for a paving company said the way they pave it is a disgrace. She also asked what the proceedure will be, now that they have presented the petition? Councilman Galasso explained that he will turn this over to the Sergeant of the traffic bureau and he will investigate the situation and make a recommendation. He added that any changes of the direction of a street will need approval from the State Department of Transportation. Nothing will happen overnight, this will take time. Mr. Mancino asked who the Emergency Management Coordinator is now? Mayor Tripodi informed him that it is Sgt. Dan Rica. Mr. Mancino asked if we have a Welcome Wagon? Mayor Tripodi said no. Mr. Mancino said that he is sure the businesses in town would participate if one was started. He also added that on his street there have been 22 holes filled. As the County Planning Board Chairman, he said he recently inspected a job done by the Gas Co. in Berkeley Heights and after 12 holes the town made them repave the whole street. Why is Kenilworth different? Mayor Tripodi said that we have a curb to curb provision, but he is not sure about that. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by David, seconded by Falcetano, that the meeting be adjourned to the call of the chair. Respectfully submitted, Hedy Lipke Borough Clerk 8:35 P.M.
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