526 Boulevard, Kenilworth NJ 07033 (908)-272-7743 Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri� 9:30am � 3:30pm Kenilworth, New Jersey has a very active Senior Citizens Club. The club�s membership stands at over 350 members. To join the club, you must be a Kenilworth resident, or have lived in Kenilworth for 10 years, be at least 60 years of age, and pay membership dues of $5.00 per year. The Kenilworth Senior Center is located at 526 Boulevard, Kenilworth NJ. The building is equipped with an elevator, air conditioning, a full kitchen, a large dining area, and a large meeting room upstairs. Standing activities include: Regular Meeting � 1st Wednesday of the Month Trip to Atlantic City � 1st Thursday of the Month Crafts � every Tuesday and Friday Morning Line Dancing � Every Wednesday Afternoon Bingo � Every 1st and 3rd Friday Afternoon Mah Jongg � Most Monday, Wednesday and� Friday Afternoons Cards � Most Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons AARP meeting � 2nd Tuesday of the Month Birthday Party for Members � 3rd Tuesday of the Month Nutrition � Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 12 noon (suggested donation is $1.50). You must order two days ahead. In addition, the Seniors sponsor many trips. Information on all these trips and activities is published monthly in the Kenilworth edition of The Leader, the Suburban News and the Cranford Chronicle. Officers of the Club are elected annually in November, and they are sworn in at the Anniversary Party at the Westwood in Garwood in December. Current officers (2006) are: President: Barbara Morison 1st Vice President � Ernie Hammer 2nd Vice President � Ed Hill Recording Secretary � Rita Iannarilli Corresponding Secretary � Millie Hammer Treasurer � Vera DePalma Asst. Treasurer - Flo Tuozzolo Sergeant-at-Arms � Joe Matturro House Chairman � Joe Matturro For more information, or to join the Kenilworth Senior Citizens, contact Barbara Morison or Joe Matturro at 908-272-7743 on Monday, Wednesday or Friday during the hours of 9:30am and 3:30pm. This page last updated March 7, 2006 |
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