Board of Health Minutes from 3/25/2010

Kenilworth Board of Health

575 Boulevard

Kenilworth, NJ, 07033



Minutes of the March 25, 2010

The regular meeting of the Board of Health was called to order at 7:00 pm. by President Randy Moscaritolo who announced that the meeting was being held in conformance with the Open Public Meeting Act.� Sunshine law was read.

On roll call the following members responded as follows:

����������������������������������� Randy Moscaritolo�������� ������� PRESENT������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������� Carla Gabriel�������������� ������������������

Dr. Jerome Forman� ���������������������

Trudy Neuhauser����������������� � �������

Jeanine Pentz������������� ����������� ������

����������������������� ����������� Thomas Pugliese�������������������� ���� �

����������������������������������� Susan�� Ryan��������������� ��� ������� ABSENT

Adina Lee������������������������������ ���� �

Liaison Scott Klinder was present for this evenings meeting.� Health Officer Ferraioli was absent.

REHS Jessica Weinberg and Former REHS Danielle Grady were present.

A motion was made by Commissioner Neuhauser and seconded by Commissioner Pentz to accept the regular minutes of the previous meeting.� All in favor.

The monthly reports were discussed, approved and carried on motion by Vice President Gabriel and seconded by Commissioner Pentz.� All in favor.

The monthly income and expenses for February: Income-$3,655.00 and Expenses-$537.89

A motion was then made by Commissioner Pentz and seconded by Commissioner Pugliese to approve the finance report and pay the current bills.� Motion carried on roll call as follows:

����������������������������������� Randy Moscaritolo�������� ������� ���AYE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������� Carla Gabriel������������������������������ ��

Dr. Jerome Forman������������ ����������

Trudy Neuhauser����������������� � �������

Jeanine Pentz������������� ���������������� �

����������������������������������� Thomas Pugliese�������������������� ���� �


����������������������������������� �����������������������������������


There was a brief discussion concerning the letter from NJDEP regarding 21 South 22nd Street. The soil is contaminated.� Mr. Mohammad is the owner of the house and he is aware that he has to get permits.

The letters to Frank Locarriere regarding Frank�s Pit Stop were discussed.� President Moscaritolo inquired as to the reason for the air conditioner.� Danielle stated it was in response to the open window.� ��

There was a brief discussion concerning the letter to Eric Loneker regarding Apples Lounge.

Email to Gail Driscoll from Merck regarding the Health Fair � no reply.�

New Business:

REHS Jessica Weinberg was introduced by President Moscaritolo.

The A.M. radio station was discussed briefly.� Danielle stated Health Officer Ferraioli had acquired two radio stations.�� President Moscaritolo asked that the stations be discussed further at next months meeting.� President Moscaritolo asked that the subject be continued at next meeting.

The discussion concerning the Agreement between UMDNJ (Lattimore TB Clinic) and the Union & Kenilworth Health Departments was tabled.

Old Business: �

KinderCare Daycare Center was discussed.� REHS Weinberg stated the case was carried over and Health Officer Ferraioli received summonses to appear at a later date.� It is scheduled for May 5th.

The Rabies Clinic is being held at the firehouse on April 25, 2010 from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Commissioners Report:


Liaisons Report:

Liaison Klinder stated the council was asking for a 5% cut in our budget.� President Moscaritolo stated we cut our budget to the bare minimum last year, therefore; we did not have anything left to cut.

Opened meeting to the public at 7:28 p.m.

Closed meeting to public 7:28 p.m.

A motion was made by Commissioner Neuhauser and seconded by Commissioner Pentz to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m.

Next scheduled meeting will be April 15th at 7:00 p.m.

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