Board of Health Minutes from 12/16/2010

Kenilworth Board of Health

575 Boulevard

Kenilworth, NJ, 07033



Minutes of the December 16, 2010

The regular meeting of the Board of Health was called to order at 7:04 pm. by President Randy Moscaritolo who announced that the meeting was being held in conformance with the Open Public Meeting Act.� Sunshine law was read.

On roll call the following members responded as follows:

Randy Moscaritolo�������� ������� PRESENT

Carla Gabriel������������ ������������� PRESENT

Dr. Jerome Forman� ���������������PRESENT

Trudy Neuhauser����� ������������� PRESENT

Jeanine Pentz������������� ����������� PRESENT

Thomas Pugliese�������������������� PRESENT��

Adina Lee������� ABSENT

Health Officer Ferraioli and REHS Weinberg were present for this evenings meeting.�

A motion was made by Vice President Gabriel and seconded by Commissioner Pentz to accept the regular minutes of the previous meeting.� All in favor.

The monthly reports were discussed, approved and carried on a motion by Commissioner Pentz and seconded by Vice President Gabriel.� All in favor.

The monthly income and expenses for November: Income:� $662.00 Expenses:� $1835.58

A motion was made by Commissioner Pugliese and seconded by Commissioner Pentz to approve the finance report and pay the current bills.� Motion carried on roll call as follows:

Randy Moscaritolo�������� ������� ���AYE

Carla Gabriel��� �� AYE

Dr. Jerome Forman������������������� AYE

Jeanine Pentz� ���� AYE

Trudy Neuhauser������� �������������� AYE

Adina Lee������� �� ABSENT

Thomas Pugliese�������������������� ��AYE


The Health Officer stated that there were a few letters and an e-mail.�� The first was to JC Promotions for reimbursement for Jessica�s work at the street fair. �It was for approximately $70.59.� �He stated we are awaiting payment on this.� President Moscaritolo questioned what it was for and the Health Officer said that it was for Jessica�s time inspecting the vendors at the street fair.

The second item of correspondence was a Notice of Violation to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cittadino at 216 North 16th Street for harboring and maintaining cats and having the cats unlicensed.

The last piece of correspondence was an e-mail sent to the Payroll Department so that Jessica can be paid for her unused vacation time.�

Old Business:

The first item of old business was the 2010 Health Fair Financial Report which was reviewed with the Board.

Next, Health Officer Ferraioli stated that the Finance Department requested that we submit our encumbrances and any anticipated end of the year expenditures by December 3, 2010. �This had been completed and the Health Officer reviewed this with the Board. ��Dr. Forman questioned if all of the salaries and everything else had been covered and the Health Officer stated they were.� President Moscaritolo questioned if everything on the list was line itemed. The Health Officer stated it was.�� President Moscaritolo also questioned if the amounts encumbered were because of the Borough is closing out their books. The Health Officer answered that this was the reason.�

In regard to the passage of the Amendment to Chapter 212-Article XII, Health Officer Ferraioli stated that the ordinance was passed at the last meeting, it had been published in the Cranford Chronicle and it went into effect December 6, 2010.� �He stated that a new letter had been drafted for the licensees for 2011.�� Also, a new application and fee schedule had been made up based upon the risk type for the establishments.� He said the introductory letter, the application and fee schedule will be mailed out to all those who have licenses with us in order for them to process their licenses for 2011

The Health Officer informed the Board that a letter to Mr. Hershey, Superintendent of Kenilworth Schools, had been sent thanking them for the use of their cafeteria for the flu program.

Health Officer Ferraioli stated that we need approval to expend the Union County Senior Citizens Chronic Illness Grant.� He said the contract with Holy Redeemer was approved at the September 2010 meeting and approval was now needed to accept the money from the county and apply it to the contract.� President Moscaritolo asked if it balanced out.� The Health Officer stated $104.00 has been encumbered to for the shortfall.� The Health Officer asked for a motion to allow us to expend the money received from the Union County Block Grant award for the Senior Citizens Chronic Health services. A motion was made by Commissioner Pugliese and seconded by Commissioner Neuhauser.

Motion carried on a roll call as follows:

Randy Moscaritolo�������� ������� ���AYE

Carla Gabriel��� �� AYE

Dr. Jerome Forman������������������� AYE

Jeanine Pentz� ���� AYE

Trudy Neuhauser������� �������������� AYE

Adina Lee������� �� ABSENT

Thomas Pugliese�������������������� �� AYE

New Business:

The Health Officer stated that regrettably Jessica Weinberg, REHS had resigned effective December 17, 2010.� He said that she will now be working for the county and that he wanted to congratulate her. Jessica said she was sad to leave, that she enjoyed working with everyone and will miss everyone.

In regard to the status of pending work, Jessica stated that the court case with the septic tank on Sumner Avenue has been rescheduled to January 11.� She said she had been subpoenaed to be in court for this case. ���The next item pending was a complaint Jessica received on November 30, 2010 in reference to 250 No. 21st Street. ��She said there is garbage in the backyard and alongside the house which household garbage that could easily be put out.�� The owner is a disabled vet but he has 6 or 7 people living in the house that can help him. His son lives there.� The complainant is trying to rent the house in back of this one. There is garbage stacked up along the border.�� The complainant said she saw rats.� Jessica said she did not physically see rats but there are dogs, dog waste, and dog food.� �Mr. Bartley stated he could not afford to rent a dumpster.� Jessica said it was household waste and asked him to put a little bit at a time out for pick up. �Jessica said that Bob Herbert is aware of this and he also sent a notice.� This will need to be followed up on.�

The last item of pending work that Jessica spoke about was a complaint she received on December 7, 2010 about 216 N. 16th Street, The complainant said there were 40 cats running around.�� Jessica saw one cat sitting on the porch.�� There were no food bowls.�� She sent a notice to have the cat licensed. ��When Jessica spoke to the owner, she said she would license them, that this would not be a problem, she was not aware that there was a law to have cats licensed.�� Jessica asked the property owner if there are other cats.� She stated there are a few that come out of the sewers.� Jessica questioned if she was feeding them and she answered yes.�� She explained to Ms. Cittadino that she could not do that, that there was an ordinance prohibiting it.� �The Health Officer suggested that the owner rent traps from us and call the Humane Society.� The owner said she would do this.�� Jessica stated this would have to be followed up on.

Health Officer John Ferraioli informed the Board that the State now recognized Karen Kizelevich as the Deputy Registrar and Jessica as Registrar.�� Since Jessica has resigned, the State would now need to recognize Karen as the Acting Registrar and with the new hire as the Deputy Registrar. A motion was made by Commissioner Pentz and seconded by Vice President Gabriel to accept the Resolution to appoint Karen Kizelevich as the Acting Registrar.

Motion to accept this resolution carried on roll call as follows:

Randy Moscaritolo�������� ������� ���AYE

Carla Gabriel��� �� AYE

Dr. Jerome Forman������������������� AYE

Jeanine Pentz� ���� AYE

Trudy Neuhauser������� �������������� AYE

Adina Lee������� �� ABSENT

Thomas Pugliese�������������������� �� AYE

The Health Officer introduced Elmer Cardenas as the replacement for Jessica as the REHS. Elmer will start on December 27, 2010.�� The Board welcomed him.

Health Officer Ferraioli informed the Board of as a non-hazardous medical waste spill on Galloping Hill Road.� The Health Officer and REHS investigated it.� After investigation, it was found that it was trash from the Endoscopy and Surgery Center located on Galloping Hill Road.�� Hazmat was called and would not take care of it.�� After contacting the surgery center, it turned out there was a pick-up that morning by Ciccarelli Waste Disposal.�� They were contacted and they cleaned it up quickly.� A Notice of Violation to be more careful when they pick up garbage was sent out.

The 2011 Meeting Dates were discussed.� It was decided to change the dates of the February and March meetings to February 10, 2010 and March 10, 2010.

The Health Officer stated that the 2010 Bill for the CHC for $254.00 will be added to the encumbrances.

Commissioners Report:� None

Liaisons Report:

Scott Klinder stated that the bell ringing at the A & P would be on Saturday, December 18, 2010.�

He stated that there will be a meeting this following Monday at which he will find out if he may ��be transferred to a different department.��

The reorganization meeting for the town will be on January 2 at noon.

Opened meeting to the public at 7:50 p.m.

Closed meeting to public 7:50 p.m.

A motion was made by Vice President Gabriel and seconded by Commissioner Pentz to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.

Next scheduled meeting will be January 20, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

Reviewed for Content and Form:

John J. Ferraioli, H.O.

Director/Health Officer

Submitted by:

Karen Kizelevich

Board Secretary/Clerk Typist

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