�575 Boulevard (908)-276-2740 Minutes of the January 20, 2011 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was called to order at 6:49 P.M. by President Randy Moscaritolo who announced that the meeting was being held in conformance with the Open Public Meeting Act.� Sunshine law was read. On roll call the following members responded as follows: Randy Moscaritolo����� PRESENT����������������� Carla Gabriel�������������� �������� PRESENT Dr. Jerome Forman �����������PRESENT���� Trudy Neuhauser�������������� ABSENT�� ���� ����� Jeanine Pentz��������������������� PRESENT Thomas Pugliese��������������� ABSENT Adina Lee����������������������������� ABSENT Health Officer Ferraioli & REHS Cardenas were present for this evenings meeting.� Liaison Scott Klinder arrived at 6:53 P.M. A motion was made by Commissioner Pentz and seconded by Dr. Forman to accept the regular minutes of the previous meeting.� All in favor. The monthly reports were discussed, approved and carried on motion by Vice President Gabriel and seconded by Commissioner Pentz.� All in favor. President Moscaritolo questioned how much the Associated Humane Society was paid. The secretary stated that she passes the bill onto the Borough for payment.�� President Moscaritolo requested a copy of the bill for the next meeting. Trudy Neuhauser arrived at 6:52 P.M.� She thanked the Board Members for the condolence basket she received. The monthly income and expenses for December: Income:� $1161.00 and Expenses:� $986.70. A motion was then made by Commissioner Pentz and seconded by Commissioner Neuhauser to approve the finance report and pay the current bills.� Motion carried on roll call as follows: Randy Moscaritolo ������������� AYE������ �������� Carla Gabriel�������������� ������� AYE��������������� ��������������� Dr. Forman��������������� ����������� AYE��� ����������� Jeanine Pentz������������� AYE��������������� Trudy Neuhauser���������� ���� AYE��� ���� ������ ����� ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� Correspondence:� None Old Business: The Health Officer stated that the 2011 operating budget had been submitted.� He said it was discussed with Dr. Forman and a 2% increase was decided in the areas where there may be some difficulty. The Health Officer is meeting with the Borough Finance Committee on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.�� Since Dr. Forman would not be able to attend the meeting it was decided that Commissioner Pentz and Commissioner Neuhauser would attend with Health Officer Ferraioli.� The Health Officer stated that the essence of the budget is the contracts.� Otherwise the budget has remained the same as last year except for the 2% increase. The next item on the agenda was the publishing of the 2011 meeting dates which were published in the Cranford Chronicle the 31st day of December 2010. Dr. Forman questioned whether a date for the 2011 Health Fair could be set due to his schedule.� After a discussion, it was decided that Saturday, September 24, 2011 is the tentative date for the Health Fair. Next, was the acknowledgement of Karen Kizelevich, as the Registrar and Elmer Cardenas as the Deputy Registrar. It was noted this is pending both of them obtaining the Certified Municipal Registrar�s credentials. The
Health Officer stated that the court case with Mr. Paparatto, in regard
to the septic violations, was held on January 11, 2011. ��There were 4
summonses issued. The key witness was not able to attend.� Since the Health
Officer could not testify to the evidence of two of the summonses it was
decided to settle on two of the four summonses issued. The settlement
offered, after speaking to the prosecutor, was a guilty plea on the two
remaining summonses. The first one was for one septic system for both
houses on the property and the other was for the fact that Mr. Paparatto
failed to notify the Health Department when the septic system malfunctioned.
Each summons carried a fine of $500 plus court costs.� ��The other conditions
agreed to were that Mr. Paparatto notify us within, 30 days of the court
date, of a plan on his closing of the septic system.� Also since he has
already filed with New Business: Mr.
Ferraioli stated that we have lost a total amount of $28,000 provided
by the State to both Union and The
2011 with Randy Moscaritolo ������������� AYE������ �������� Carla Gabriel���������� ����������� AYE��������������� ��������������� Dr. Forman��������������������������� AYE���� Jeanine Pentz����������������������� AYE��������������� Trudy Neuhauser���������� ���� AYE The next item discussed was a complaint received regarding garbage lining the side of Bella Palermo.� Elmer Cardenas stated that there were 28 bags of garbage that were not picked up.� He spoke to the owner and told him they needed to be picked up the following day.�� Elmer requested a receipt that the garbage had been removed by a waste removal service along with a copy of a contract between Bella Palermo and a waste removal service.� Both were received. Numerous complaints were received in regard to the Michigan Avenue Laundromat in regard to no soap or towels in the restroom.�� Upon inspection Elmer Cardenas found there were none and spoke to the manager.� He also spoke to the manager in regard to a bar of soap and a hand towel by a sink near the machines which he noted..� Upon re-inspection, nothing had changed.� Mr. Cardenas then issued a summons. Commissioners Report:� None Liaisons Report:� ��The budget is being worked on. Opened meeting to the public at 7:42 p.m. Closed meeting to public 7:42 p.m. A motion was made by Vice President Gabriel and seconded by Commissioner Pentz to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. Next scheduled meeting will be February 10 at 7:00 P.M. Reviewed for Content and Form: John J. Ferraioli, H.O. Director/ Submitted by: Karen Kizelevich Board Secretary/Clerk Typist |
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