Kenilworth Board of Health �575 Boulevard Kenilworth, NJ, 07033 (908)-276-2740 ����������������������������������������������� Minutes of the March 10, 2011
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was called to order at 7:00 pm. by President Randy Moscaritolo who announced that the meeting was being held in conformance with the Open Public Meeting Act.� Sunshine law was read.
On roll call the following members responded as follows:
Moscaritolo�������� ����� PRESENT����������������������������������������������������������������������������
����������� Carla Gabriel������������ ���������� PRESENT
Liaison Scott Klinder and Health Officer Ferraioli were present for this evening�s meeting.� �REHS Cardenas was absent.
A motion was made by Commissioner Pentz and seconded by Commissioner Gabriel to accept the regular minutes of the previous meeting.� All in favor.
The monthly reports were discussed, approved and carried on motion by Commissioner Pentz and seconded by Commissioner Pugliese.� All in favor.
The monthly income and expenses for April: Income:� $3722.00 and Expenses:�� $2,654.52��
A motion was made by Vice President Gabriel and seconded by Commissioner Pugliese to approve the finance report and pay the current bills.� Motion carried on roll call as follows:������ ����������������������������������� Randy
Moscaritolo� ��������AYE ����������������������������������� Jeanine Pentz��������� ������� AYE���������� ��� ����������������������������Trudy Neuhauser���������� ��AYE ����������������������� ��������� Thomas Pugliese����������� �AYE ������������������������������ �Carla Gabriel����������������� �AYE ����������������������������������� �������������������������������� Adina Lee���������������������� ABSENT ����������������������������������� Susan Ryan������������ ������ ABSENT Correspondence:� None
Old Business:
President Moscaritolo questioned if licensing for 2011 had been started.�� The secretary stated that most licenses were already issued with only a couple who have not returned their applications.� The Health Officer stated that a letter was sent out to those establishments who had not renewed their license with a deadline of Friday, March 4, 2011.
The Health officer stated that Elmer Cardenas, REHS, had been sent to the CDRSS Training.� CDRSS is the Communicable Disease Register Surveillance System.� It is a State system that allows us to enter all communicable diseases in the Borough and then follow them up.� ���There are some cases right now, the latest being a Hepatitis B case on which we are following up.
In regard to the Michigan Laundromat Court Case, the disposition resulted in guilty plea and the individual was charged $100.00 which includes court fees.�
The disposition of the Court Case for The Great Wall, who was issued summons for not cleaning their grease trap, was then discussed. �Health Officer Ferraioli stated that we were unable to recover the cost of the sewer cleaning because we were not informed of how much the cost was to clean the sewer.� The Health Officer stated we did not have this information; therefore, we were unable to request the clean up cost as part of the settlement agreement with the defendant �during the pretrial with prosecutor.�� The Health Officer stated that we did ask Bob Ordway and Dan Ryan for the amount but did not get an answer.� Liaison Scott Klinder stated if this happens again that we should contact him. ��The Great Wall�s fine for the summonses was $600.00 plus court costs.
The rabies clinic is scheduled for Sunday, March 20, 2011.� ��The Health Officer spoke to Dr. Markowitz, the veterinarian giving out the shots, who said he would bring his assistant.�� The Health Officer said we would be providing the vaccine, syringes certificates and tags. ��He said we have a letter from the Fire Department stating that we can use their facility, but they did request that no one park in the side lot in case of an emergency.� ���The Health Officer informed the Board that Elmer would be there, he, himself would be there and that there is a volunteer, who helped last year, who would be there again. The Animal Control Officer from Union will attend.� Liaison Scott Klinder asked if any more volunteers were needed.�� The Health Officer stated we could use volunteers.� He said we will vaccinate any domestic animals, no exotic animals.
New Business:
The Health Officer informed the Board that the REHS will attend the Certified Municipal Registrar�s Course in May, and that the secretary has already begun her course.
The Health Officer stated that Elmer Cardenas had requested the use of a minimal lunch because he is taking a course at UMDNJ which is part of his masters program.� He needs to leave a little early, so he is taking � hour lunch and leaving at 4:30.�� President Moscaritolo questioned what program Elmer was attending and the Health Officer stated he thought it was a communications program.
The next item discussed was 118 North 22nd Street.� The Health Officer stated that Bob Herbert had issued a summons against Mrs. Borsellino, the owner of the property, for violations of the Property Maintenance Code on the outside of her home.� The Health Officer stated we attempted to enter the inside of the house because of complaints received that the house may have �Hoarding�. ��However, when our inspector went to investigate no one was home, but he indicated that as he approached the doorway, there was a putrefying odor coming from the house.� ��We did post a notice on the door of the residence indicating that it is imperative that the homeowner contact us in order for us to do an inspection.� �He stated that the Judge agreed to allow us to investigate� and one of the stipulations of our entry was that she had within 48 hours to allow us inside for an inspection. �We had an appointment with Mrs. Borsellino to enter her house, today, March 10 at 4:00 p.m.��� The homeowner was fined $500, which is on a payment plan.� She has to clean up everything from the outside by Clean up Day which is April 14. ���The Health Officer stated that he would find out the results of the Inspector�s visit in the morning.
A Violation Notice was issued to 146 N. 20th Street.� This originated as a mold problem. The property is rented out, the owner being Mr. Palmadesso. The Health Officer informed the Board that the tenant had called him indicating that nothing had been done and the mold is still a problem.�� The Health Officer stated that when he looked at the pictures the Inspector took; it did not look like mold, but water damage.� The Violation Notice instructed him to repair the water damage, to correct the problem on the plaster board and to replace tiles.�� Another inspection will be done on Monday, March 14, and if the work has not completed and summons will be issued.
A proposed new food facility is The Other Side of Town Deli which is on 7th Street and the Boulevard.� �Health Officer Ferraioli stated that he had spoken to two gentlemen who said they would be taking over the deli.� ��He instructed them to submit plans to the Health Department.�� They stated they had submitted plans to the Building Department.� He explained to them that the Building Department is for structural purposes, but for food establishments, any changes must be submitted to the Health Department, also. ��Health Officer Ferraioli stated that he monitored what was going on and found that they had done some work after he had spoken to them, but plans were not submitted.� The Health Dept. sent out a notice to submit the plans.� They did but there were some deficiencies in the plans and now we are waiting for them to respond.
The Health Officer then spoke about the former La Dolce Vita and Roberto�s which is reopening under a different name with new owners. They are cleaning up and doing decorative work, but not changing the facility.� They are not ready to open.� He stated that the Health Department needs to check into a back trailer which is being used as a food storage area.� He stated that he didn�t believe there was electricity in the trailer or if there is it is being provided by an extension cord. ��He said an appointment will be set up to see what that trailer is and to check out another area in the back which would need a closer look at, also.
The Health Officer then spoke about Sweet Things Candy, which is on the Boulevard and 24th Street. He stated the plans have been approved.�� It will contain mostly wrapped packages and bulk stuff.� The only problem is they had no way of cleaning anything because of a lack of a sink. �There were no sinks except for the one in the bathroom.�� He stated that he took issue with that.�� This store should soon be ready for a final inspection.
The last item on the agenda is a new candy store that the Health Officer spoke about which has not been named yet.� It is located at 34 North 20th Street.� He said they had submitted a drawing with many deficiencies.� There was no equipment provided on the specs. ��The person opening the store said that when she spoke to the owner, he told her she didn�t need anything, she could just move in.� She said she was getting mixed information between the owner of the building and the Health Department.� The Health Officer said he took the time to explain to her everything that needed to be done but she was adamant about it and told him to shred her application.� Mr. Papparatto called and stated she really was upset.�� The Health Officer explained to Mr. Papparatto that everyone has to submit plans when opening a food establishment and that it is a State Law.� Mr. Papparatto requested a sit down to go through this again.�� The Health Officer stated that the Health Department will help out anyway needed.
Commissioner Reports:� None
Liaisons Report:
Liaison Scott Klinder stated that the budget will be introduced at the next meeting.�� He said that it looks like it is under the 2% cap.�� He said if a property owner�s taxes are $5500, there will be a $97.00 increase.� He stated that the school board had introduced their budget, and that he thought they were getting more money from the State.� The Borough is working on the Handyman Program for the senior citizens.� It is a grant of about $5000 for minor repairs. �He stated he would be attending the library meeting next and would find out more about that, but that their budget had been cut quite a bit.
Opened meeting to the public at 7:47 p.m.
Closed meeting to public 7:47 p.m.
A motion was made by Commissioner Neuhauser and seconded by Commissioner Pentz to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m.
Next scheduled meeting will be April 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Reviewed for Content and Form:
John J. Ferraioli, H.O. Director/Health Officer
Submitted by:
Karen Kizelevich Board Secretary/Clerk Typist |
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