575 Boulevard (908) 276-2740 Minutes of November 17, 2011 Meeting The regular meeting of the Board of Health was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Randy Moscaritolo who announced that the meeting was being held in conformance with the Open Public Meeting Act.� The Sunshine Law was read. On roll call the following members responded as follows: ����������������������� ����������� Randy Moscaritolo����������������� Present����������� ����������������������������������������������� ����������������������� ����������� Carla Gabriel�� ����������������������� Present ����������������������� ����������� Dr. Forman���������������������������� Present ����������������������� ����������� Trudy Neuhauser������������������� Absent ����������������������� ����������� Jeanine Pentz������������������������ Present ����������������������� ����������� Adina Lee������� ���������������������� Present ��� �������������������������������Nancy Lamoreaux����������������� Present ��� ������� ����������������������� ����������� Liaison Scott Klinder, Acting Health Officer Gapas and REHS Cardenas were present for this evening�s meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Pentz and seconded by Commissioner Lee to accept the regular minutes of the October 2011 meeting.�� All in favor. The monthly reports were discussed, approved and carried on motion by Vice President Gabriel and seconded by Commissioner Pentz. The Monthly income and expenses for October:� Income:� $2,439.00 and Expenses:� $1,105.15 The approval of the finance report and the paying of the current bills carried on roll call as follows: ����������������������������������� Randy Moscaritolo����������������������������� Aye����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������� Carla Gabriel�� ����������������������������������� Aye����������������� ����������������������������������� Dr. Forman���������������������������� ����������� Aye ����������������������������������� Trudy Neuhauser������������������������������� Absent Jeanine Pentz������������ ����������������������� Aye����� ����������������������� ����������������������������������� Adina Lee������������������������������� ����������� Aye ��� �������������������������������Nancy Lamoreaux���������������������������� �Aye Correspondence: The memo from Health Officer Ferraioli to B. Herbert, Zoning Officer was then discussed. The REHS explained the reason the memo was sent is he was trying to gain entry into an illegal apartment in the basement of 314 North 11th Street.�� A number of Notices of Violation were issued to no avail.� ��The Health Officer and REHS were in the process of obtaining a superior court order to enter the apartment, since the landlord was absent. The tenants, who originally stated they did not have access to the basement, finally allowed entry. ���The tenants did clean up the basement apartment, somewhat. Do to this fact; the idea of a superior court order was dropped.� ��There were a number of other violations. One of which was that all of the utilities were shut off.�� They have now been turned on.�� There were also extension cords supplying power from the first floor to the second floor apartment.�� This, too, has been corrected.�� Health Officer Ferraioli provided this memo to Mr. Herbert as a follow up. OLD BUSINESS: The Health Fair Expenditures were discussed.�� At the last meeting Dr. Forman requested that a deposit be line itemed which had been done. The only item outstanding is the bill from the lab for the blood work, which the REHS estimated to be about $3500. The next item discussed was the Pod Plan and its approval.� Since all Board members were not able to read it over, it was decided to table this until the next meeting. The approval of the CDBG increase and budget modification was then discussed.�� The REHS stated that $328.00 would need to be encumbered from medical expenses to cover the balance of the chronic illness contract with the Visiting Nurses.� He stated that the amount of the grant for Year 37 was $2,020, which was a decrease from last year.�� A discussion was then held in regard to the 2012 budget which will basically stay the same except for a few line items being raised either two or three percent due to raises in contracts. The approval of the Holy Redeemer contract for the Senior Chronic Illness Program was then brought up.�� The President stated that the contract is for $2,348.00.�� There was no increase from last year.��� A motion to accept the CDBG Contract for the Senior Chronic Illness Program was made by Vice President Gabriel and seconded by Jeanine Pentz.� Motion carried on a roll call as follows: Randy Moscaritolo����������������������������� Aye����������������������������������������������������� Carla Gabriel�� ����������������������������������� Aye����������������� ����������������������������������� Dr. Forman���������������������������������������� Aye ����������������������������������� Trudy Neuhauser������������������������������� Absent Jeanine Pentz������������������������������������ Aye����������������������������� ����������������������������������� Adina Lee������������������������������������������� Aye ���������������������������������� Nancy Lamoreaux�������� ���������������������Aye The REHS discussed the Rabies Clinic which was held on November 6, 2011.�� He stated that 17 animals were vaccinated.� Six of those animals were from out of town, and eleven were from Kenilworth. �He continued that another rabies clinic was held in March in which the numbers were also low, a total of 33 animals.�� He stated that there has been some concern about when they are held and how it is advertised.� He said he talked to the Clerk�s Office who handles the licensing.� The Clerk�s Office stated that out of 600 animals, 50% register their pets by January 31.� The REHS suggested keeping this in mind; that maybe a different strategy or time would enable a better turn out at the clinics.� The President stated that by law we are required to hold an annual rabies clinic.� After a discussion, it was decided to hold a clinic in March of 2012 and possibly put stickers regarding this clinic on the post cards that are sent out by the Clerk�s office to people regarding the licensing of their dogs.�� The REHS is to investigate this possibility and the possibility of having it during the week from 5 to 7 P.M.�� New Business: The next item on the agenda to be discussed was the salary increase for the secretary.� It was requested by Acting Health Officer Gapas that the Board go into executive Session.�� A motion to go into executive session was made by Commissioner Lee and seconded by Commissioner Pentz.� All in favor. At the conclusion of the Executive session, comp time for the REHS and Secretary for their time worked at the rabies clinic was discussed.�� Since this has been granted in the past, it was agreed that protocol would be followed and 4 � hours comp time were granted to both. Commissioner�s Reports:� None Council Liaisons� Reports:�
Council Liaison Klinder also stated that on Saturday, November 19, 2011 the� library will be having music from 75 years ago for approximately and hour or two. Opened Meeting to Public:� 8:04 p.m. Closed Meeting to Public:� 8:04 p.m.������� A motion was made by Commissioner Pentz and seconded by Commissioner Lamoreaux to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m. Next scheduled meeting will be December 15, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Reviewed for Content and Form: Marconi Gapas, Acting
Director/ Submitted by: Karen Kizelevich Board Secretary/Clerk Typist |
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