ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH HELD ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 2002.� MAYOR MICHAEL TRIPODI PRESIDED. Councilman Gregg David and Councilman Robert Taylor, Jr. took their Oath of Office and were sworn in by Borough Clerk Hedy Lipke. ROLL CALLRoll Call at 7:30 P.M. showed the following Council Members present:� Carmela Colosimo, Gregg David, Richard Falcetano, Kathi Fiamingo, Ed Galasso, and Robert Taylor. Mayor Tripodi read the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act. The Salute to the Flag was led by Mayor Tripodi. INVOCATIONThe invocation was given by Reverend Jose Lito Ebron of St. Theresa�s Church. SPECIAL GUEST � ASSEMBLYMAN JOSEPH CRYANMayor Tripodi announced that Kenilworth, as of January 8, 2002, will be in the 20th Legislative District.� Our new Senator is Raymond Lesniak and our Assemblymen will be Neil Cohen and Joseph Cryan.� This evening we are privileged to have Assemblyman Cryan here with us. Assemblyman Cryan thanked the Mayor and the citizens of Kenilworth who were so kind to support Senator Lesniak, Assemblyman Cohen and himself as they move forward into a new age. He said along with Governor McGreevey, now is the foundation for the future in terms of the changes and in terms of how our community and district represents itself.� On behalf of Neil and Ray, he wanted to let the residents know what their priorities are and what they plan to work on in Trenton.� First and foremost is the deficit and there is a lot of work to be done in order to cutback on spending and ensure that property taxes stay stable.� He said that he will work to keep the municipal aid the same.� In regards to education, he can assure the residents that they will be moving along with Governor McGreevey�s agenda of assuring that every third grade child will be able to read at a 3rd grade level before he or she moves forward.� He said he would love to promise everyone that Route 22 will be clear by the end of the year, but they do not make promises that they cannot keep.� He said what he will promise to the Mayor and Council is a responsive legislative group, one that is in sync with the needs of the Borough and one that wants to hear your problems and more importantly, one who wants to be responsive to them. He said he will be relocating his office to Union shortly.� He said on behalf of Neil, Ray, and himself, he wants to wish all of the residents the very safest and the very happiest of new years. He thanked the Mayor and Council for having him here today. Mayor Tripodi thanked Assemblyman Cryan and said he is following in the footsteps of his father who is the Sheriff in Essex County. MAYOR�S ADDRESSCopy appears on the following pages. ELECTION OF PRESIDENT OF COUNCILCouncilwoman Fiamingo made a motion, seconded by Falcetano, that Councilman Ed Galasso be nominated for the office of Council President for the year 2002.� On roll call the vote was as follows:� Colosimo, David, Taylor, �NO�; Falcetano, Fiamingo, Galasso, �YES�; Mayor Tripodi broke the tie by voting �YES�. CONSENT AGENDAResolutions No. 1 through No. 37 are listed on Consent Agenda and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below.� All items will be recorded individually in full in the minutes. Council Member Fiamingo moved that all items under Consent Agenda be approved, seconded by Council Member Colosimo.� Upon roll call the vote was unanimous. RESOLUTION NO. 1Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of HEDY LIPKE as ADA Coordinator for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 2 Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That DR. ROCCO MOSCARITOLO and PATRICIA KOTCH be appointed as members of the Board of Health for� 3 year terms and TRUDY NEUHAUSER as an alternate for a 1 year term for the year 2002. RESOLUTION NO. 3Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the Mayor�s appointment of WOLFF AND SAMSON as Bond Counsel for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 4Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of THOMAS A. VITALE, ESQ. as Borough Attorney for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 5Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the Mayor�s appointment of FERRAIOLI, WIELKOTZ, CERULLO, AND CUVA, P.A. as Borough Auditor for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. CONSENT AGENDA (CONT.) RESOLUTION NO. 6Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of FRANK RASINSKI as Borough Constable for a 3 year term, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 7Be It Hereby Resolved:� �That the Mayor�s appointment of HEDY LIPKE as Certifying Agent, Personnel Supervisor and Local Improvement Search Officer for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 8Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That JOANNE SZELINGIEWICZ, be and she is hereby appointed Municipal Court Administrator for the year 2002. RESOLUTION NO. 9Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That BARBARA GRABOWSKI, be and she is hereby appointed Deputy Court Administrator for the year 2002. RESOLUTION NO. 10Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the Mayor�s appointment of MICHELLE DeROCCO as Deputy Borough Clerk for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 11Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of RICHARD VIGLIOTTI as Electrical Inspector to a 4 year term, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 12Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That LEWIS GIORDINO be appointed as Fire Prevention Official for a 4 year term. RESOLUTION NO. 13Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That ROBERT WALCK and RICHARD ORLANDO be appointed Fire Prevention Inspectors for the year 2002. CONSENT AGENDA (CONT.) RESOLUTION NO. 14Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of ANTHONY PETERS as Fire Sub Code Official for a 4 year term, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 15Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the Mayor�s appointment of SALLY SCHEURER as a member of the Library Board of Trustees for a 5 year term be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 16Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of ALICE CHESS as a member� of the Local Assistance Board for a 4 year term, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 17Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of JEFFREY CORCIONE as Municipal Drug Alliance Committee Chairman for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 18Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of ALBERT STENDER, ESQ.� as Municipal Prosecutor for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 19 Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of ROBERT WALCK as Oil Burner Inspector for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 20Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That Gregg David, a member of the Governing Body, be and is appointed a member of the Planning Board for the year 2002. RESOLUTION NO. 21Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of LISA GROCHOCKI and MAURA LYNCH as Police Matrons for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. CONSENT AGENDA (CONT.) RESOLUTION NO. 22Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the appointment of HEDY LIPKE, Borough Clerk, as Public Agency Compliance Officer (P.A.C.O.) for the New Jersey Affirmative Action Office for the year 2002, be and the same if hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 23Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That HEDY LIPKE, be and she is hereby appointed Purchasing Agent for the year 2002. RESOLUTION NO. 24Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of NAOMI ARZAL, ARNOLD BAGNALL, RICH BRADY, JOHN CARR, GAIL DAUBER, MARIANTONIA DAVANZO, MARK KRAUS, THOMAS MAHON, KIMBERLY MeGEEHAN, CHRISTINE MeMILLIAN, WILLIAM PAPA, PATRICIA SISNETSKY, MICHAEL RINGLER (Alternate), LISA JONES (Alternate), MARYANN STILES (Alternate), ANTHONY LOPEZ (Alternate), KAREN DiFABIO (Alternate), and RONALD SMITH (Alternate) as School Crossing Guards for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 25 Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of LEWIS GIORDINO and ROBERT WALCK as Smoke Detector Inspectors for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 26Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of DANIEL RYAN as Superintendent of Public Works for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 27Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of DIANNE MARUS as Tax Collector of the Borough of Kenilworth for a four year term, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 28Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of PATRICIA HOWARTH as Tax Search Officer for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. CONSENT AGENDA (CONT.) RESOLUTION NO. 29Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of DIANNE MARUS as Treasurer of the Borough of Kenilworth for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 30Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the Mayor�s designation of the CRANFORD CHRONICLE, the KENILWORTH LEADER,� and the STAR LEDGER as the Official Newspapers of the Borough of Kenilworth for the year 2002,� be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 31Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the Mayor�s designation of the FIRST UNION BANK, N.J. CASH MANAGEMENT FUND, FLEET BANK, COMMERCE BANK� and UNITED TRUST BANK as Official Depositories for the Borough of Kenilworth for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. RESOLUTION NO. 32Resolution appears on the following page.� (Resolution on the Open Public Meetings Act � ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 2002 Schedule of Meetings) RESOLUTION NO. 33Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the annexed By-Laws shall constitute the By-Laws of the Governing Body for the year 2002 or until amended. RESOLUTION NO. 34 Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the following Ad Hoc Committees be continued for the year 2002: 1. Beautification Committee 2. Council Negotiations Committee 3. Creek Funding Committee 4. Drug Alliance Committee 5. Local Cable Access Committee 6. Local Emergency Management Committee 7. Parking Committee 8. Parks Revitalization Committee 9. Pride in Kenilworth Committee 10. Smart Growth Planning Committee 11. Space Utilization Committee 12. Technology Committee CONSENT AGENDA (CONT.) RESOLUTION NO. 34 (CONT.) Be It Further Resolved� that Committees may be added and/or deleted as the need arises. RESOLUTION NO. 35Be It Hereby Resolved:�� WHEREAS,� the approval of the Petty Cash funds listed below has been given by the Division of Local Government Services, and ����������������������������������� ���� WHEREAS,� these funds for 2001 have been returned to the Chief Finance Officer according to R.S. 40A5-21; ����������������������������������� ���� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED� by the Municipal Council of the Borough of Kenilworth that the Treasurer be authorized to draw and deliver said warrants to the following Petty Cash Custodians for the year 2002: ����������������������� Police Department������������������������������� Total Fund ����������������������� William Dowd, Police Chief����� ������������ $150.00 ����������������������� Tax & Finance ����������������������� Patricia Howarth, Assist. Treasurer������ $25.00 RESOLUTION NO. 36Resolution appears on the following page.� (Temporary Appropriation Resolution) RESOLUTION NO. 37Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the following be designated as official Insurance Agents for the Borough of Kenilworth for� the year 2002: ����������� BGIA, BUSINESS AND GOVERNMENTAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Lead Agency ����������� Plaza Nine 900 Route 9 North, Suite 503, Woodbridge, NJ� ; and ����������� AGA, AMALGAMATED GENERAL AGENCIES ����������� 115 Grove Street, East, Westfield, NJ RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 38Introduced by Fiamingo who also moved its adoption. Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of RUDERMAN & GLICKMAN, P.C. as Borough Labor attorney for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Seconded by Falcetano and on roll call unanimously carried. RESOLUTIONS (CONT.) RESOLUTION NO. 39Introduced by Fiamingo who also moved its adoption. Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of MICHAEL D. DISKO as Borough Engineer for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Seconded by Falcetano and on roll call the vote was as follows:� Falcetano, Fiamingo, and Galasso, �YES�; Colosimo, David, and Taylor, �NO�; Mayor Tripodi voted �YES� to break the tie. RESOLUTION NO. 40Introduced by Fiamingo who also moved its adoption. Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of MICHAEL DISKO and FRANK MANTO as Kenilworth�s representatives to the Union County Community Development Revenue Sharing Committee for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Seconded by Falcetano and on roll call the vote was as follows:� Falcetano, Fiamingo, and Galasso, �YES�; Colosimo, David, and Taylor, �NO�; Mayor Tripodi voted �YES� to break the tie. RESOLUTION NO. 41Introduced by Fiamingo who also moved its adoption. Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of JOSEPH DEPA, JR. as Public Defender for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Seconded by Falcetano and on roll call the vote was as follows:� Falcetano, Fiamingo, and Galasso, �YES�; Colosimo, David, and Taylor, �NO�; Mayor Tripodi voted �YES� to break the tie. RESOLUTION NO. 42Introduced by Fiamingo who also moved its adoption. Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of TRACI ZALINSKI and THOMAS BUTLER as Assistant Public Defenders for 1 year terms, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Seconded by Falcetano and on roll call unanimously carried. RESOLUTIONS (CONT.) Mrs. Lipke, Borough Clerk, read the following letter from Mayor Tripodi regarding PLANNING BOARD appointments: ����������� Dear Mrs. Lipke: ��������������� I am herewith making the following appointments to the Planning Board: ������������������������������� Dennis Schultz, Class IV Member, 4 year term; ������������������������������� Vincent Rappa, Class IV Member, 4 year term: ������������������������������� Richard LoForte, Alternate #1, 2 year term; ������������������������������� Anthony Lepore, Alternate #2, 2 year term; ������������������������������� Fred Pugliese, Alternate #3, 1 year unexpired term ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Yours truly, ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Michael A. Tripodi ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 43Introduced by Fiamingo who also moved its adoption. Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of SCOTT VAN PELT, MARK JANKOVICH and STEVE BYARS as members of the Recreation Committee for 3 year terms, and LAURA McGEORGE for a one year unexpired term, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Seconded by Falcetano and on roll call the vote was unanimous. RESOLUTION NO. 44Introduced by Fiamingo who also moved its adoption. Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor appointment of FRANK RICA as Zoning Enforcement Officer for the year 2002, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Seconded by Falcetano and on roll call the vote was as follows:� Falcetano, Fiamingo, Galasso, �YES�; Colosimo, David, Taylor, �NO�; Mayor Tripodi voted �YES� to break the tie. RESOLUTION NO. 45Introduced by Fiamingo who also moved its adoption. Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That the Mayor�s appointment of SCOTT RUERUP as Kenilworth�s Representative to the Union County Air Traffic Noise Advisory Board for a 2 year term,� be and the same is hereby confirmed. Seconded by Falcetano and on roll call unanimously carried. DESIGNATION OF COMMITTEESThe following Council Committees were designated: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCEChairperson Fiamingo, Falcetano, Galasso DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSChairperson Colosimo, David, Fiamingo DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETYChairperson Galasso, Colosimo, Fiamingo DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, ZONING, & ORDINANCESChairperson David, Falcetano, Taylor DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION, ECOLOGY, LIGHTING & FIREChairperson Falcetano, Colosimo Taylor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFAREChairperson Taylor, David, Galasso GENERAL BUSINESSMayor Tripodi wished everyone a happy new year and congratulated Councilman David and Councilman Taylor on their election victories.� Councilwoman Fiamingo wished everyone a happy new year.� She welcomed Councilman Taylor and said she is again looking forward to working with Councilman David.� Councilwoman Fiamingo added that she is looking forward to a good year. Councilwoman Colosimo wished all of the residents a happy, healthy and prosperous new year and said she is looking forward to working with Gregg for three more years as the past 6 years have been her privilege and honor. She said Kenilworth residents can be very grateful for having such a hard working, dedicated Council person such as Gregg.� Councilwoman Colosimo said she is truly looking forward to working with Bob, as he is very enthusiastic and has great ideas.� She said he will be an asset to the council. Councilman Falcetano said he looks forward to working with Gregg, especially on the PZO Committee and he congratulated Bob Taylor.� He also wished all of the residents a happy new year. Councilman Taylor thanked everyone for coming to the meeting today.� He also thanked his parents, friends, and gave special thanks to Assemblyman Joe Cryan for coming today.� He also thanked the residents of Kenilworth for giving him three years to work for them adding that he is looking forward to the challenge. GENERAL BUSINESS (CONT.) Councilman Galasso said he looks forward to working with Gregg and Bob.� He said he looks forward to serving the residents in the next year and wishes everyone a happy new year.� Councilman David wished the residents a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.� He thanked the residents for their continued confidence and said as always he will do his best for the Borough of Kenilworth. Councilwoman Colosimo said she would also like to thank Assemblyman Cryan for coming this evening.�� Along with Councilman David, she invited all to join them after the meeting for sandwiches, cookies, etc. in the Council Room.� MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLICNo one desiring to be heard, Mayor Tripodi closed the meeting to the public. ADJOURNMENTThere being no further business to come before the council, it was moved by David, seconded by Falcetano and carried, that the meeting be adjourned to the call of the chair. 8:20 P.M. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Respectfully submitted, ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Hedy Lipke ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Borough Clerk |
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