Council Minutes from 2/11/2009



Roll Call at 8:00 P.M. showed the following Council Members present: Brian Joho, Scott Klinder, Kevin Leary, Jr., Fred Pugliese and Toni Sosnosky. �Sal Candarella was absent.

Mayor Fiamingo read the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act.

The Salute to the Flag was led by Mayor Fiamingo.


It was moved by Councilman Joho, seconded by Councilwoman Sosnosky, and carried that the minutes of the Work Session Meeting of January 27, 2009 and the Regular Meeting of January 28, 2009, be dispensed with and approved as submitted.� (Copies furnished each Council Member prior to the meeting.)


Mayor Fiamingo and Councilman Leary presented checks to the winners of the Holiday House Decoration Contest.� The winners were M. Khmelysky, 211 No. 29th St., Jerry Eger, 22 So. 18th St., Lane Pecina, 323 North 19th St., Donna Loessel, 605 Cranford Ave, Paul Casolaro, 92 Park Drive and Curtis Dick, 133 No. 24th St. The Mayor presented checks to Ms. Pecina and Jerry Eger who were the only winners present. Mayor Fiamingo thanked everyone for participating in the contest.� She said they all did a good job in making their houses festive for the holiday.�


1.    The Kenilworth Historical Society will be having a �Black History Month Celebration� on February 19th at 7:00 P.M. at the Senior Center.


1.    Police Department Report for the month of January, 2009.

2.    Construction Department Report for the month of January, 2009.

3.    Borough Clerk�s Report for the month of January, 2009.

4.    Municipal Court Report for the month of January, 2009.

It was moved by Councilwoman Sosnosky, seconded by Councilman Joho and carried that the above communications be received and filed and any money amounts indicated be spread over the minutes.


Mayor Fiamingo stated that she and Hedy Lipke met with the United States Census Bureau regarding the 2010 Census.� They are looking to make sure the Borough is a partner in the census taking.� She said it is very important that we all participate in the survey and that everyone sends back the completed survey as soon as possible. She said there will places set up by the Census Bureau to answer questions.� The Census Bureau has opportunities for part-time, short term jobs.� She said the pay is from $14.00 to $21.00 per hour and in these hard

Regular Council Meeting Minutes � February 11, 2009�������������������������������������������� Page 2

economic times that is a good rate. She said if you are interested call 866-861-2010 to schedule a test.� The Mayor said she believes the jobs will be in the spring and basically you will be counting houses to make sure the Census Bureau has everyone on their list.�

The Mayor said there is a mortgage crisis that is going on across the state and in this County alone there are around 3,900 filings. She said this is a very significant amount and these figures �may not include second mortgages. She said people who are renting from individuals who are being foreclosed upon cannot be evicted from their home because they have all the rights of tenants under the law.� The Mayor advised that if you are in the position of renting from an individual who is being foreclosed, you should be aware you have rights and you cannot be evicted.� The Department of the Public Advocate is available to speak to anyone if you need legal services.� There are legal services available to people who qualify under income requirements.� The Public Advocate�s office can be reached at 609-826-5090.

The Mayor received notice from the New Jersey League of Municipalities advising they are sponsoring a �Support the Troops� drive.� They are raising money for the National Guard State Family Readiness Council.� The fund raiser is on Sunday, April 19th at the National Guard Armory in Lawrenceville.� There will be a live broadcast from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm with Big Joe Henry.� She said if anyone is interested in participating, the tickets are $10.00 and they may call 609-882-2675 for tickets. She said this is for a very good cause.�

Mayor Fiamingo, along with most of the council members, attended the Fire Department�s Awards Dinner last Saturday.� She said it was very nice event that was well attended.� She said it is always nice when people who volunteer their time and efforts are thanked and receive awards.�� ���


Councilman Joho reported the Finance Committee continues its work on the 2009 budget.� They had their last department meeting yesterday with the Tax Assessor.� They have now met with all department heads and have heard their proposals and requirements.� The next step is to review the budget with the auditor, refine the budget and make their recommendations to Mayor and Council.� He said they continue to monitor the federal and state government actions in regard to budgets and their potential effects on our budget.


Councilwoman Sosnosky reported the Department of Public Works crew is currently working on filling potholes and they will continue, weather permitting.� They have one crew on the north side of town cleaning the catch basins and once that is completed, they will move to the south side.� Councilwoman Sosnosky reminded residents to place garbage and recyclables at curb side no earlier than 5:00 PM the night before the regularly scheduled pick up. She read a letter from Shirley Boyden Maxwell, President of the Historical Society.� The letter thanked the DPW for their tremendous assistance in moving filing cabinets and furniture into the Oswald J. Nitsche House.� She said the size and weight of the furniture precluded them from carrying out the relocation themselves. She specifically thanked Dan Ryan, Derick DeFuria, Dave Gassman and Dominick LaTorre.� She said they did the move in a pleasant and efficient manner.� Ms. Maxwell also thanked Police Chief Dowd for arranging for the front parking area to be blocked with cones on the morning of the move to prevent vehicles from interfering with the process. She thanked

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everyone again for supporting their efforts to advance the Nitsche House restoration project.� She said they look forward to the day when the site is fully restored and can begin operating year round as a living history museum and cultural arts center that will be vital resource to our community and a lasting tribute to its heritage.


Councilman Pugliese had nothing to report.



Councilman Candarella was absent. The Mayor said the PZO committee presented proposals for escrow fees for the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment which are being considered at this time.� They will present them to the public in the near future.


Councilman Leary reported the Fire Awards Dinner was heartening to see the heroics that the Rescue Squad and Firefighters have done this year. He specifically mentioned Mel Harris who was honored for two CPR saves.� Councilman Leary asked for a round of applause for Ms. Harris.� He said the Recreation Department sponsored a craft last Saturday which was a success.� He said he attended a seminar, hosted by Congressman Leonard Lance, for fire and rescue squad grants.� He said it was informative and helpful and hopefully he will be able to put it to good use this year.

Mayor Fiamingo added her kudos to Mrs. Harris.� She said two CPR saves in two years is a very significant accomplishment. �She said the individuals who were saved were very thankful.� The Mayor said she did not want to minimize the efforts of the other Rescue Squad and Fire Department members who also had saves.� She said there was a birth and also former council member, Anthony DeLuca received an award for his efforts in saving an individual in his neighborhood.� She said she would like to bring up everyone and recognize them individually.� She said they will plan that in the very near future.


Councilman Klinder reported the Library will be closed on Monday, February 16th for Presidents Day.� He said the Salvation Army Kettle Fund Drive did very well, much better than the year before, and they are planning a thank you dinner for all the volunteers in March.


Consolidated Bill List appears on the following pages.� (copy attached)

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Resolutions No. 1 thru 10 are listed on Consent Agenda and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. All items will be recorded individually in full in the minutes.

Councilwoman Sosnosky moved that all items under Consent Agenda be approved, seconded by Councilman Klinder.� Upon roll call the vote was unanimous.




Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That all bills be paid when properly audited and funds are available


WHEREAS, the Borough of Kenilworth had an agreement with a property owner to use Borough property known as block 146 log 17, 526 Summit Avenue and pay taxes on that property until such time as their house, which is contiguous to that piece of land is sold; and

WHEREAS, the property contiguous to the aforementioned parcel has been sold which terminates the agreement; and

WHEREAS, this property was billed for Final 2008 taxes prior to this determination,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that taxes in the amount of $161.72 billed for the fourth quarter 2008 taxes be and are hereby cancelled, and

The Collector of Taxes made said adjustment on the tax record of Block 146 Lot 17 for 2008 taxes billed.


Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the Borough Clerk be authorized to issue the following����������������� Raffle Licenses:

#946 �Brookside Place School PTA for an On-Premise Tricky Tray on April 24, 2009 at the VFW on 33 South 21st Street, Kenilworth, NJ

#947� Brookside Place School PTA for an On-Premise 50/50 Raffle on April 24, 2009 at the VFW on 33 South 21st Street, Kenilworth, NJ


Be It Hereby Resolved:� That ART MASTERS PRODUCTIONS, 401 Scott Mobus Place, Harrison, NJ�� 07029, be contracted to videotape Borough of Kenilworth Council Meetings for the year 2009 at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00 for the year.

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WHEREAS, the Borough of Kenilworth desires to oppose Assembly Bill No. 3686 sponsored by Assemblywoman Sheila Y. Oliver, Assemblywoman Connie Wagner and Assemblywoman Elease Evans, which proposes the transfer of the Governor�s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and control of the Drug Enforcement Demand Reduction Fund to the New Jersey Department of Human Services; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Kenilworth has been advised and believes that Assembly Bill No. 3686 is not in the public interest as it would dramatically diminish, if not eliminate,� the role of the Municipal Alliances to Prevent Substance Abuse which is an invaluable community program and an effective asset for the development and implementation of �grass roots� local programs for the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Kenilworth opposes the transfer of the Governor�s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and control of the Drug Enforcement Demand Reduction Fund to the New Jersey Department of Human Services as the consequences of those actions are likely to diminish or eliminate a data-driven, evidence producing drug and alcohol prevention program that already effectively uses the efforts and expertise of dedicated local volunteers; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Kenilworth hereby opposes Assembly Bill No. 3686.

NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Governing Body of the Borough of Kenilworth through this Resolution strongly opposes and objects to Assembly Bill No. 3686 sponsored by Assemblywoman Sheila Y. Oliver, Assemblywoman Connie Wagner and Assemblywoman Elease Evans which Bill proposes the transfer of the Governor�s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and control of the Drug Enforcement Demand Reduction Fund to the New Jersey Department of Human Services; and

LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution shall be sent to Governor Jon S. Corzine, Senate President Richard J. Cody, Senate Minority Leader Leonard Lance, Senator Christopher �Kip� Bateman, Assembly Speaker Joseph J. Roberts, Assembly Minority Leader Alex DeCroce, Assemblyman Peter J. Biondi, Assemblywoman Denise Coyle, and all state legislators representing legislative districts with municipalities in the County of Union.

I, Hedy Lipke, Borough Clerk of the Borough of Kenilworth
in the State of New Jersey, do hereby certify that the foregoing

is a true copy of a Resolution adopted by said Mayor and Council

at its regularly convened meeting of February 11, 2009.

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Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the contract for �2007 NJDOT/Capital Road Improvement Program� awarded to S. Brothers, Inc. is hereby amended as per Change Order #1 to add the amount of $92,824.17 for the installation of new manholes, new inlets, 36� drainage pipe and associated materials regarding a drainage problem on Lincoln Drive as recommended by Borough Engineers Grotto Engineering Associates.� The total contract amount will now be $931,985.41.

Be It Further Resolved that the Mayor be authorized to sign and Change Order.

Be It Further Resolved that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:34-5.1 et seq., Local Public Contracts Law, the required Certificate of Availability of Funds is attached.


Date 2/6/09



Nancy Nichols, Treasurer


WHEREAS, the Treasurer had outstanding checks on the records in the Payroll account which were issued in 2008, and:

WHEREAS, letters were written in 2008 and in January 2009 to the businesses/individuals asking them to cash these checks or sign affidavits to have them replaced;

WHEREAS, the individuals/businesses responded to our request and signed an affidavit for a replacement check;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council that the Treasurer is authorized to cancel the below listed checks:

����������� Check #��������� Dated������������������������� Payee������������������������� Amount

����������� 48508������������� June 19, 2008������������ Dennis Mallinowski���� $222.78

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council that the Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a replacement check to the aforementioned person in the indicated amount..


Be It Hereby Resolved:� That the pay rate of EDWARD JONES, Sanitation Department, for the period January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 be $27.59 per hour.

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Be It Hereby Resolved:� That WALTER KRIECK and DERICK DEFURIA, Department of Public Works Foremen, receive longevity benefits retroactive to the following dates:

Walter Krieck � 7/21/08

Derick DeFuria � 5/21/06


Be It Hereby Resolved:� That Keith A. Bonchi, Esq., 66 New Road, Suite 1A, Northfield, NJ� 08225, be authorized to proceed with IN REM FORECLOSURES for the Borough of Kenilworth at a cost not to exceed $16,000.00

Certification of Funds 2/11/09

Appropriation:� 9-01-20-712-010

Nancy Nichols, Treasurer

Proposed Ordinance No. 2009-01 was read for the second reading as follows: (Copy appears in minutes of January 14, 2009)


����������������������������������������������������������������������� 2009-01


Mayor Fiamingo stated this is a second reading for an ordinance which permits the Borough to appropriate the sum of $60,000.00 for the review and complete revision of the Master Plan.� This also allows the Borough to spread the cost over a period of five years. Mayor Fiamingo stated if anyone wishes to speak, please step forward, state their name and address for the record.

Livio Mancino, 102 North 24th Street � He thanked the Mayor and Council for making the Master Plan a reality.� He asked for the cost for the Master Plan.� The Mayor responded $60,000.00.� The Mayor said the cost for COAH, which is generally included in the Master Plan, had already been contracted for and the price for that was $15,000.00.� She said the proposal the Borough received from Shamrock and Grotto Engineering was $60,000.00.� Mr. Mancino said that was a fair price because the original price for the Master Plan was $75,000.00.� He asked if the books were provided in the price. The Mayor said Shamrock and O�Connor are doing the master planning and the engineering work.� She said they will have hard copies of the code book but they are looking into putting it on the web so that it can be downloaded.� She said included in the price is the drafting and revamping of the ordinances. Mr. Mancino said Dunellen, which is a small town, paid $125,000.00 for their Master Plan.

Mayor Fiamingo asked if anyone else wished to speak.� Seeing no one she closed the hearing on Ordinance 2009-01.

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Introduced by Brian Joho, adoption moved by same

Seconded by Scott Klinder and upon roll call fivel in favor.

Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That Proposed Ordinance No. 2009-01 be and the same is hereby passed on second and final reading and ordered published according to law.

RESOLUTION NO. 12� (Resolution attached)

Introduced by Brian Joho who also moves its adoption

Seconded by Scott Klinder


Roll Call:� Councilman Joho voted yes, Councilman Klinder voted yes, Councilman Leary voted yes, Councilman Pugliese voted yes and Councilwoman Sosnosky voted yes.


Introduced by Brian Joho who also moves its adoption

Seconded by Scott Klinder

WHEREAS, the Borough of Kenilworth advertised for the receipt of proposals for a Master Plan Revision; and

WHEREAS, proposals were received and reviewed; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Kenilworth hereby awards the Professional Service Contract for the Preparation of a Revision of Kenilworth�s Master Plan and Land Development Regulations to Shamrock Enterprises/Grotto Engineering at a cost not to exceed $60,000.00

Certification of Funds

Date 2/6/09

Appropriation: Ordinance 2009-01

Treasurer: Nancy Nichols

Roll Call:� Councilman Joho voted yes, Councilman Klinder voted yes, Councilman Leary voted yes, Councilman Pugliese voted yes and Councilwoman Sosnosky voted yes.� Five in favor.

Proposed Ordinance No. 2009-02 was read for second reading as follows:� (Copy appears in

minutes of January 14, 2009)



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Mayor Fiamingo stated this ordinance provides for fees for participation in programs offered through the Recreation Department.� This ordinance was recommended by the Recreation Department.� The Mayor said if anyone wishes to speak on this Ordinance to please step forward, state their name and address for the record.

Livio Mancino, 102 North 24th Street � Mr. Mancino asked what the fees were for? The Mayor responded the fees are for participating in Recreation functions such as basketball, softball, arts and crafts, Summer Recreation Program or Recreation Night Program. Mr. Mancino asked what the fee was. Councilman Leary responded the fee for basketball for 1st grad thru 3rd grade is $20.00 per season and 4th� grade thru 8th� grade� is $40.00 per season.� For Softball 1st grade thru 3rd grade would be $20.00 and 4th grade thru 8th grad would be $40.00. Arts and crafts would be $3.00 per craft up to 3 and $2.00 thereafter.� For the Summer Parks Program would be 1st grade thru 6th grade would be $25.00 per week for the first four weeks and the fee for Recreation Night would be $5.00 per night. Mr. Mancino asked if the committee checked with surrounding towns and what they pay? Councilman Leary responded yes they did. Mr. Mancino does not think the Borough should charge. Councilman Leary stated the surrounding communities charge fees and he asked the Recreation Director, Scott Pentz to address the fees.� Mr. Pentz, 186 Boulevard, stated the Recreation Department did a lot of research on the fees and the Borough is charging very minimal fees.� He said Cranford charges up to $100.00 per child per program. He said New Providence, Roselle Park and Garwood charges upward of $75.00 to $100.00 per child, per program. He believes the charge is very minimal.� He said the Recreation budget has been cut since last year and this is something they had to take into consideration.

Bob Herbert, 363 Coolidge Drive � Mr. Herbert asked what expenses does the basketball have?� Scott Pentz responded by stating the fees are for the uniforms and also for the past two years they could not get into any leagues because the league fees were so high.� He said referee fees were upwards of $45.00 per game, per team.� Mr. Herbert asked if the school charged to use the gym?� Mr. Pentz said the school was thinking of charging for the gym but they have not come through with that.

Mayor Fiamingo asked if anyone else wished to speak.� Seeing no one she closed the hearing on Ordinance 2009-02.


Introduced by Kevin Leary, Jr.� who also moved its adoption.

Seconded by Scott Klinder

Be It Hereby Resolved:�� That Proposed Ordinance No. 2009-02 be and the same is

hereby passed on second and final reading and ordered published according to law.

Roll Call:� Councilman Joho voted yes, Councilman Klinder voted yes, Councilman Klinder voted yes, Councilman Pugliese voted yes and Councilwoman Sosnosky voted yes.� Five in favor.

Motion was made by Councilman Pugliese, seconded by Councilman Klinder to open the meeting to the public.� All in favor.

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Livio Mancino, 102 North 24th St. � Mr. Mancino asked if local residents could purchase notes on the Master Plan and where they can be purchased? The Mayor said yes, anyone can buy them through the appropriate broker and they can contact Nancy Nichols in the Tax Office for further information.� Mr. Mancino said the Boulevard is horrendous and needs to be repaired from Michigan Avenue to the Parkway and he urged the Mayor and Council to write a letter to the County.� Mr. Mancino said he would do his own research on the Recreation fees and he will be back with that information at the next meeting. He also urged the Mayor and Council to support the Republican endeavor in Trenton to change the sales tax from 7% to 6%.� He said the Governor said the increases were going to go to different areas and that has never materialized. He said that would be a good thing to do in these hard times. He said the Parkway and Turnpike increases were supposed to be directed to a certain area and they were not. Mr. Mancino said there should be a cap on items in the budget.� He said the Mayor should write letters to the Unions and ask them to put a cap on the increases to try and contain the costs.� Mr. Mancino asked if the Mayor the Borough pledged money last year to the town in Texas that was hit by a tornado?� The Mayor replied that they have decided that Kenilworth was the community that is in need and she would urge people to make contributions to the Kenilworth Community Fund.�

Mary Ellen Harris, 710 Newark Avenue � Mrs. Harris stated she is in defense of the Recreation Department charging fees.� She said she was on the Recreation Committee for 25 years.� She said at that time they did not charge but things have changed. She said her niece lives in Scotch Plains and they charge $100.00 per child.� She said $40.00 is a minimal charge.

C. Dawson Yeomans, 400 North 14th St.- Mr. Yeomans asked for volunteers to help his business which is Furniture Assist, located on 14th Street.� He said the concept of Furniture Assist is to take furniture that people donate and give to families who need furniture.� Currently they help furnish 30 apartments per week. He said over the past year over 51 families from

Kenilworth have donated.� He said these donations help to reduce the Borough�s bulk pick up.� Their clients are all referred by social agencies to make sure they are in need of items and not that they just want items. Most of the victims are fire victims, abused spouses and people who have to start over. �The organization has helped 380 people in Union County and the rest from other areas in the State. He said most of the clients they help are from Elizabeth, Plainfield and Newark.� He said Kenilworth is the perfect location. He said his business is located inside a public storage building called Self Storage. He said on Sundays the clients come to get the furniture themselves because they want the clients who are getting furniture to come themselves because they want the clients who are getting furniture for free to expend some effort. They are opened for distribution between 1:00 pm and 3:00 on Sundays.� They chose Sundays because that is the least busy day in that area and that is the day most of their volunteers come.� He said it takes about 20 volunteers on Sunday to run the operation. They have traffic control outside.� They said last year they were loading the U-Hauls from the street but now they load them from the parking lot and the only ones that park on the street are the volunteers. They are a non-profit organization and they get furniture from hotel chains. He said the volunteers come from High School students who need to do community service for things like Confirmation however they must be accompanied by a parent. Mr. Yeomans asked the Mayor and Council to come and volunteer some Sunday. �Mr. Yeomans asked to come back at a �more quiet meeting and talk about some of the issues Mr. Herbert had and how they could

Regular Council Meeting Minutes � February 11, 2009�������������������������������������������� Page 11

resolve them. Mayor Fiamingo replied they will have to check with their attorney to see if that is an appropriate way to do it. She said she appreciates that Mr. Yeomans came this evening.� She said she does know there have been issues in that area because of all the chaoticness of what is going on.� The Mayor stated the endeavor Mr. Yeomans has taken on is fantastic.� She said she looks forward to getting rid of some furniture in her home, although not right now.� She said the Zoning Officer has some concerns but she thinks they can be worked out together.� The Mayor said this is not the appropriate forum for a discussion but she would like to work things out because she believes his organization is a good one. Mr. Yeomans said he would work with the town council completely and totally.

Bob Herbert, Zoning Officer for the Borough of Kenilworth � Mr. Herbert said Furniture Assist is a good endeavor.� He said there are Ordinances in town and there are procedures.� Mr. Herbert strongly advised the Mayor and Council to discuss this among themselves because he feels there is a violation and they should try to set a private meeting that so that the issues can be discussed before the organization has to appear before the Planning Board.� Mayor Fiamingo stated she did not want any issues that are not in keeping with zoning enforcement. �She said we would like to maintain an organization that does good work but they also have to fit into the zoning laws. The Mayor said she appreciates the fact that Mr. Herbert wants to work with the organization by asking the Mayor and Council to help. He said their organization has special circumstances that need to be discussed. Mr. Herbert said the Planning Board would like to meet with the Mayor and Council in private chambers and discuss this. The Mayor said she is not sure a private meeting is the way to go but she will discuss this with the attorney to see if that is the appropriate way to handle the situation. �

Motion was made by Councilwoman Sosnosky, seconded by Councilman Joho to close the meeting to the public. All in favor.



Councilman Leary said the Recreation Department did not take it lightly implementing the fees. He said they took a lot into consideration and they are doing it with the best interests of the Borough and the children.� They are not trying to make a profit.� They are just trying to make the programs solvent for the future.� Councilman Leary commended the Recreation Department for their research and in doing a good job.

Mayor Fiamingo stated they have been working with the architect on the public safety building.� She said they do not have anything yet to bring to the public.� They are still working on logistics and space requirements, etc.� They expect to have something fairly soon within the next month or so.� They should have a design drawing so that the architect can present it at a public meeting where they will answer questions.

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There being no further business to come before the Council it was moved by Councilman Pugliese, seconded by Councilwoman Sosnosky and carried, that the meeting be adjourned to the call of the chair. All in favor.

8:21 P.M.������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Respectfully submitted,

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Hedy Lipke, Borough Clerk��

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