Roll Call at 8:00 P.M. showed the following Council Members present: Sal Candarella, Peter Corvelli, Brian Joho, Scott Klinder and Fred Pugliese. Kevin Leary was absent���
Mayor Fiamingo read the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act.
The Salute to the Flag was led by Mayor Fiamingo.
It was moved by Councilman Candarella, seconded by Councilman Joho, and carried that the minutes of the Work Session of January 25 and the Regular Council Meeting of January 26, 2011 be dispensed with and approved as submitted.� (Copies furnished each Council Member prior to the meeting.)
1. �Police Department Report for the month of January, 2011 2. Construction Report for the month of January, 2011. 3. Borough Clerk�s Report for the month of January, 2011 4. Fire Department/Rescue Squad Report for the month of January, 2011.
It was moved by Councilman Joho, seconded by Councilman Corvelli, and carried that the above communications be received and filed and any money amounts indicated be spread over the minutes. Council Meeting � February 9, 2011������������������������������������������������������������������������� Page 2REPORT OF COMMITTEES
Mayor Fiamingo reported that last meeting the videographer was not present due to the weather.� She reported that the Borough has received a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation for $190,000.00 to improve Washington Avenue and we were also successful in obtaining another grant of almost $151,000.00 for Clean Energy improvements. This grant will be used throughout eight different Borough buildings, including the Senior Citizen Center, Library, Borough Hall, Fire Department and other buildings.� We also received another $20,000.00 Block Grant to help implement those improvements.� She said that is $171,000.00 in clean energy improvements which will be very helpful.�
The Mayor reported she received a letter from the Union County Advocacy Group which reminds everyone that if you own a parking lot or you have handicap accessible spots that you are responsible for, �State law requires that you clear the snow within 24 hours or a fairly hefty fine will be imposed.� She said those areas need to be made accessible for handicapped individuals.� The Mayor reported that the Shared Services Summit that was supposed to be held last week was postponed until March 2nd�� �and that she and some other Councilmember�s will be attending. The meeting is being chaired by the County and hopefully we will be able to save some funds.� She said she met with the Mayor and Clerk in Roselle Park to talk about some ideas about shared services.� We are only in the beginning of the talks and hopefully we will be able to have some reduction in costs to the Borough with better services. �
Councilman Joho reported the Finance Committee has reviewed all the Department Budget proposals and has provided recommendations to the Council.� They will be meeting with the Borough Auditor shortly after that he will have more updates.
Councilman Corvelli said hopefully we are done with the snow.� The DPW will be filling in potholes and curbside brush pick up will resume.� He said one of the DPW trucks caught fire after 32 hours of plowing and they are getting quotes. He said this can be settled with Capital if we choose to do so.� Councilman Corvelli asked everyone to please get your cars off the street if we have another snowstorm because it would help with plowing.� He said the plows were not able to pass through the streets.� He said he will field complaints about the snow as they come in.� He said the DPW is doing a great job.
The Mayor said we all have to pull together and figure out what to do the next time it snows because we cannot have this kind of mess with cars parked and people throwing snow back into the street.� She said if we do not pull together we will have to start enforcing things that we do not want to so we should try and work together as a community so that we can have our fire trucks, plows and ambulances be able to get through the streets in the event there is a problem.
Council Meeting � February 9, 2011������������������������������������������������������������������������� Page 3DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY
Councilman Pugliese reported he has received the reports from the Police Department and the Detective Bureau.� The Police Department applied for a grant and was approved for $5,000 for DWI enforcement.� He gave kudos to Chief Grady and Lt. Fennes who applied for the grant. The Detective Bureau assisted in digging out cars that were stuck due to the snow and they also provided backup for the Patrolman.� The Police Department and the Detective Bureau both assisted in digging out the parking lot behind Borough Hall.
Councilman Candarella reported we are losing our Senior Handyman, John Hathaway and he wished Mr. Hathaway good luck in his future endeavors.� He said the program stays and they will be looking for a new handyman.� He said January 20th the Revision Committee met to discuss items that were brought up at the public meeting and on February 3rd a revised plan was presented to the Planning Board, they reviewed it and had some changes and those changes have been incorporated.� The Councils has received it and is reviewing it and on February 24th we are going to have another open public meeting.� He said the meeting has been advertised in the newspaper as well as on the web site.� He said this time he hopes that when the public steps up to speak they would have at the very least read the plan.� He said people should spend time reading the master plan and not be relying on what they heard or what their neighbor said so that they can come up with good questions and/or comments.� He said we will be there to listen to the comments and take them all into consideration.� The Master Plan is available at Borough Hall as well as the web site.
Councilman Leary was absent
Councilman Klinder reported on Saturday, March 11th at 7:00 PM the Library will have a celebration of Irish culture and space is limited and pre registration is required.� The program will consist of Irish music, poetry and dramatic monologues. The program is free and open to� the general public. On March 20, 2011 from 1PM to 3PM there will be a free Rabies Clinic at the Fire Department.� Cats should be in a crate and dogs must be leashed.
Consolidated Bill List appears on the following pages.� (copy attached) CONSENT AGENDA
Resolutions No. 1 thru 8 are listed on Consent Agenda and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. All items will be recorded individually in full in the minutes.
Councilman Klinder moved that all items under Consent Agenda be approved, seconded by Councilman Candarella. Upon roll call the vote was unanimous.
Council Meeting � February 9, 2011������������������������������������������������������������������������� Page 4 |
WHEREAS, it shall become necessary to expend for some of the purposes specified in the budget appropriation of the respective sums appropriated, and
WHEREAS, there is an excess in one or more appropriations over and above the amount deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose of such appropriation, and
WHEREAS, N.J.S. 40A: 4-58 provides for the transfer of such amounts deemed in excess to appropriation for the amount of which are deemed to be insufficient to fulfill purposes of such appropriation, and
Council Meeting � February 9, 2011������������������������������������������������������������������������� Page 5
WHEREAS �the transfers about to be authorized do not effect any appropriation to which or from transfers are prohibited under statute,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the following be approved and the Chief Financial Officer be and is hereby authorized to make the following transfers in the 2010 Municipal Budget.
0-01-20-710-028 |
�� 3,700.00 |
�� 3,700.00 |
TO |
0-01-31-430-074 |
�� 3,689.90 |
0-01-36-836-000 |
������� 10.10 |
�� 3,700.00 |
WHEREAS, John Joseph Fagan has been involved in Scouting for ten years; and
WHEREAS, John Fagan is in Boy Scout Troop 83 in Kenilworth.
WHEREAS, John Fagan has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout which is the highest rank in Scouting; and
WHEREAS, John Fagan completed all 21 required Merit Badges and a community service project which involved renovations to the Girl Scout House in Union; and
WHEREAS, John Fagan is the sixth Scout in Troop 83 to achieve Eagle Rank; and
WHEREAS, John Fagan is also involved in numerous areas outside of Scouting; and
WHEREAS, John Fagan will be presented his Eagle Award at the Court of Honor on March 6, 2011.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Kenilworth congratulate John Fagan upon attaining the Eagle Scout Rank and also commend his involvement and commitment to the other activities in which he is involved.
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED:� That the Borough Clerk be authorized to issue the following����������������� Raffle Licenses:
����������������������������������������������� �
#1004 Kenilworth Historical Society for a On-Premise 50/50 Raffle on February 26, 2011 at North 22nd Street, Kenilworth, NJ
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED:� That the contract for �Preventative Maintenance for the Elevator at the Municipal Building� be awarded to ZIP SYSTEMS, INC. for a two (2) year period (2011 & 2012) at a cost of� $185.00 per month
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:� That �pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:34-5.1 et seq., Local Public Contracts Law, the required Certificate of Availability of Funds has been obtained from the Chief Finance Officer of the Borough of Kenilworth.� The appropriation to be charged for this expenditure is Building and Grounds-Maintenance of Other Equipment:� 1-01-26-772-026
Certification of Funds
Date ________________________________
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: ��That the contract for �Preventative Maintenance for the Elevator at the Senior Citizen Center� be awarded to ZIP SYSTEMS, INC. for a TWO (2) year period (2011 &2012) at a cost of $180.00 per month
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:�� That pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:34-5.1 et seq., Local Public Contracts Law, the required Certificate of Availability of Funds has been obtained from the Chief Finance Officer of the Borough of Kenilworth.� The appropriation to be charged for this expenditure is Building and Grounds-Maintenance of Other Equipment: 1-01-26-772-025.
WHEREAS, Local Units of the State of New Jersey are authorized to enter into a joint contract to provide for the formation of a joint meeting for the joint procurement of� natural gas, electricity and other forms of energy as permitted by N.J.S.A. 40A:65-14 et seq.; and
WHEREAS, the statutes regulating the creation and establishment of a Joint Meeting contain a mechanism for local units to aggregate their collective energy consumption in order to negotiate and contract for energy in a cost-effective, environmentally sensitive manner, furthering the public interest entrusted to such a Joint Meeting; and
WHEREAS, the governing body of the Borough of Kenilworth has determined that membership in the Joint Meeting is in the best interest of the Borough of Kenilworth.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of the Borough of Kenilworth does hereby resolve and agree to become a member in the New Jersey Sustainable Energy Joint Meeting (NJSEM) for the purpose of joining with other Local Units in the State to aggregate purchasing power of energy so as to achieve financial savings and to encourage Local Units to cooperate in seeking ways to jointly implement sustainable energy alternatives;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to execute the Joint Contract Joinder Agreement, attached hereto, and that Robert Ordway is hereby designated to represent the Local Unit as a member of the State Management Committee of the NJSEM; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute such other documents signifying their membership in the NJSEM, and make payment of the Initial Membership Fee of $300 as required by the NJSEM's Bylaws and to deliver same to the Executive Director of the NJSEM.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2011-01 was read for a first reading as follows:� (Copy attached)
����������������������������������� � �������ORDINANCE NO. 2011-01
BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH � Left Turn Prohibited Entering or Exiting the Harding School Student Drop-Off Loop from the Boulevard
Mayor Fiamingo stated this is a first reading on an ordinance prohibiting left turns into or out of the Harding School parking loop because it causes difficulty with back-ups and is a recommendation from the Police Department.� The second reading will be on March 9, 2011 at which time the public is invited to speak.
Introduced by Scott Klinder, adoption moved by same.
Seconded by Sal Candarella
Be It Hereby Resolved:� That Proposed Ordinance No. 2011-01, be and the same is hereby passed on first reading and ordered published for final hearing on March 9, 2011.
Roll Call:� All in favor
Motion was made by Councilman Pugliese, seconded by Councilman Candarella to open the meeting to the public.� All in favor.
John Bury, 417 North 15th Street � Mr. Bury said it was in the paper a couple of days ago that the Union County Utility Authority has asked 14 communities to sign on to a 45 year extension of an incineration lease and it lists eight towns that have signed up including Kenilworth and he asked if it was true that Kenilworth signed up and he asked what was the rational for signing up for 45 years?� Mr. Bury said it was supposed to be a 276 million dollar savings over 45 years.�
She said the way it was explained to her was that these things make a lot of money and the DOT wants to put it on the Parkway because they want to collect the revenues, if it goes on the Kenilworth Inn or the Water Tower then the Parkway does not get that money.� She said she does not care how much money they make because they are not going to reduce the tolls and Kenilworth is not going to get any money off of it.
Mr. Vanek said for the record they don�t really make much money, it is only $40,000.00 a year.� He said we could probably get the residents to chip in to not have the cell tower.
Motion was made by Councilman Joho seconded by Councilman Pugliese to close the�������� meeting to the public.� All in favor.
Mayor Fiamingo reported the Work Shop Meeting will be moved from February 22nd to February 21st because there is a conflict with some of the members.� She said although Borough Hall is closed on February 21st for Presidents Day, the Clerk is willing to come in and take the minutes.�
Council Meeting � February 9, 2011������������������������������������������������������������������������� Page 10
The Mayor said she went to the Kick-off Meeting for Relay For Life last week. She said this is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society and basically it is an overnight marathon held at the high school on June 4th and 5th .� She said if you go on the web site www.relayforlife.org/kenilworth you will see what the event is all about and you can sign up and put a team together. She said you get sponsors and someone from your team is supposed to be walking the track at all times. She said it�s going to be a lot of fun and it will be a challenge to see the team that makes the most money.� She said on February 28th at 7:30 at the Recreation Center there will be a meeting for team captains.� She said she hopes as a Community we can come together, put together a bunch of teams and raise a lot of money for cancer research.� She said she doesn�t think there is anyone whose lives have not been affected or touched by cancer and if we can just do just our little bit to fight this disease it will be worthwhile.�� ����������������������������������������� �����������������������
Mayor Fiamingo thanked John Hathaway and wished him well.� She said he has been a superb gentleman for the Handyman Program.� She said the program will continue.
Mayor Fiamingo reminded everyone that on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm the Kenilworth Historical Society will be having it�s very popular �Soups On� event at the Senior Center.� She said you get to sample wonderful soups, including soups made by people we know and love and it is for a good cause.� She said it is only $10.00 and you get 6 or 7 soup tastings, bread and it is a lot of fun.
Councilman Candarella said the Barbeque Place on the Boulevard has reopened and there is a new Barber Shop and it is good to see businesses opening up in our town and if you are going out to dinner or getting a haircut you can frequent the new shops in town.�
There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Councilman Candarella, seconded by Councilman Pugliese and carried, that the meeting be adjourned to the call of the chair.
8:30 P.M.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Respectfully submitted,
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Hedy Lipke, Borough Clerk��
����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �