Notice To Bidders - Recyclables




�������� Bid for �Recycling Collection and Marketing�

The Borough of Kenilworth has issued addendum #1 and hereby notifies all potential bidders for the Bid for �Recycling Collection and Marketing� that an addendum has been created.� Addendum �No. 1 forms a part of the contract documents and modifies the original bidding specifications dated June 3, 2011.� Receipt of this addendum is to be acknowledged with the bid by a cover letter stating "Addendum No. 1 is acknowledged and accepted without exception ". �This cover letter shall appear on company letterhead and signed by the person or persons executing the bid submission.

����������� Please note that, as part of Addendum #1, the bid date has been extended from �August 9, 2011� to August 19, 2011.�� Please refer to addendum number one for clarification regarding the terms as modified. Sealed bids will be received by the Borough Clerk at 567 Boulevard Kenilworth, NJ 07033 on Friday, August, 19, 2011 at 10 AM prevailing time.�


�Hedy Lipke, Borough Clerk

July 29, 2011

Addendum Number One

Bid for �Recycling Collection and Marketing�

Please take notice: the Borough of Kenilworth hereby notifies all potential bidders for the bid for �Recycling Collection and Marketing� that an addendum has been created. This addendum forms a part of the contract documents and modifies the original bidding specifications dated June 3, 2011. Receipt and acceptance of this addendum is to be acknowledged by the bidder by providing a cover letter on the bidder stationary and attached to the bid stating, "Addendum number one is acknowledged and accepted without exception".� This letter is to be signed by the person or persons executing the bid submission.

1. ORIGINAL BID: Sealed bids will be received by the borough clerk on August 9, 2011.

Addendum to bid:� Sealed bids will be received by the Borough Clerk on August 19, 2011 at 10:00 AM prevailing time.�

2.� ORIGINAL BID SPECIFICATIONS:� Commencement of pick-up � Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Addendum to bid: Commencement of pick-up � Tuesday, September 13, 2011.

The entire bid section is to be returned completed. All bids must be made upon the bid forms provided by the municipality (if applicable) and should be in ink and give unit prices where applicable. All figures shall be in both words and in figures.

Bids containing any conditions, omissions, unexplained erasures or alterations, items not called for in the bid form, the municipality may reject attachments or additive information not required by the specifications or irregularities of any kind.

Bidders should be aware of the following statutes that represent "truth and contracting" laws:

NJSA 2C: 21 � 34 et seq. governs false claims and representations by bidders. It is a serious crime for the bidder to knowingly submit a false claim and or knowingly make material misrepresentations.

NJSA 2C: 27 � 10 et seq.� provides that a person commits a crime if said person offers a benefit to a public servant for an official act performed or to be performed by a public servant, which is a violation of official duty.

NJSA 2C: 27 � 11 provides that a better commits a crime if said person, directly or indirectly, confers or agrees to confer any benefit not allowed by law to a public servant. Bidders should consult the statute's or legal counsel for further information.

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