meeting began with a pledge of allegiance.� Roll call: Present: Mr. Westbrook,
Mr. Beninati, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Schlenker, Mr. David,
Mr. Rica, Mr. Tripodi, Mr. Pugliese, Mr. Loforte, and Mr. Lapore.� Absent:
Resolutions-- Resolution # 11-02 for AT&T antennas and equipment and #267 for Moreno Beauty Salon.� Yes:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Westbrook, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Schlenker, Mr. David, Mr. Rica, and Mr. Lepore.� Resolutions memorialized.� Mr. Schlenker notified the applicants that it is necessary for them to publish their resolution in a local newspaper.� Anyone who objects to a resolution can appeal to the mayor and council or to the courts.� Withdrawn Application #266 for Theresa Godinho, 629 Washington Avenue (sub-division). Postponed Application #14-02 for Michael Hoag, 361-363 Monroe Avenue (2nd floor apartments over office building) for the November 21 meeting. Communications�--Mr. Beninati received two letters for Application #266 and Application #14-02. He read a note from Mr. Lane, enclosing a letter regarding the resolution for Dr. Foreman, and another letter to the Board from Mr. Lane, Board Attorney, regarding an analysis of �Change in Use�.� Mr. Beninati will distribute this letter to each member. New Business: Application #269, Mr. Rodriguez, 740 Colfax Avenue (change of use) represented by Mr.Fructer, attorney. Page 2 Sworn in: Mr. Kenneth Klein, former operator of facility at 740 Colfax Avenue.� He stated his company processed and shipped (via various trucks) raw plastics and materials.� Sworn in: Mr. Rodriguez, presently leasing operator of a medical equipment facility at this unit. He stated the business would pick up printing materials, storing medical machines, and no hazardous waste.� He would be using vans or box trucks, and have 5 parking spaces for 5 or 6 employees. He will not change the property exterior.� Medical equipment about 60% and printed matter about 40% would be stored.� Sworn in: Dan Madonna, who works with Mr. Rodriguez.� He stated this facility would be using two trucks and two vans that are stored on the site at night.� It is a permitted use under zoning ordinances. Motion made by Mr. Vitale to approve, 2nd by Mr. Schultz.� Vote Yes: all approved. Application #12-02, Mr. Kukla, 34 N. 9th Street for a side-yard air conditioner was not represented by applicant for the second time.� Therefore, a motion to reject Application #12-02 was made by Mr. Westbrook.� All in favor. Application #02-04, Mr. Dominick Petracca, for subdivision of 209-215 N. 16th Street.� Mr. Fracture, attorney for Mr. Petracca, stated this application requires a �D� variance and asked for a postponement of the hearing until November 21 meeting because the architect was not present. Several residents in that area said they did not receive notification of this application. Ten days prior to the next meeting date, all of the residents that were omitted within 200� must be notified by the applicant.� The Application #02-04 was postponed until the November 21 Planning Board meeting. Application #15-02, Mr. Evans, 105 Park Avenue for an add-a-level. Since Mr. Evans was not present, a motion to move this application to the November 21st meeting was made by Mr. Westbrook.� All in favor. A motion to approve the request of change of hearing date to November 21: Application #16-02 for Bruce Harms, 511 Richfield Avenue, to change a garage into a living space.� All in favor. Page 3 Application #265 a continuation for Dunkin Donuts, 705 Boulevard, for a proposed Baskin-Robbins to be included at this site was represented by Hale & Hale Associates. Sworn in: John Payles, Bohler Engineering, displayed A-2 Site plan, a modification of Exhibit A-1. An overflow inlet will be installed with roof drains leading to it. The South Michigan Avenue driveway was directionalized with curbing and added yellow striping at both driveways directing traffic and forcing right turns in and out.� Two lighting fixtures and area light at the driveway. Exhibit A-3�site visibility analysis�shows Dunkin Donuts building is not visible from 200� on the Boulevard.� He proposes a colonial-type low-level �monument� sign (similar to the Synergy Bank sign).� He can work with Dr. Disko for whatever materials would be appropriate for this sign. Dr. Disko introduced Robb Michels, planner.� He reviewed the amended plans. The proposed the sign was the only present point in question. Mr. Marsh, employed by the town, commented on the drainage design.� He had questions on positioning and elevations of the channel.� Mr. Beninati read a letter from consultant Kevin O�Brien, who stated the applicant agreed to place a physical barrier on the South Michigan driveway and a stripped channelization on the Boulevard driveway.� He approved of the changes.� Dr. Disko agreed with the changes and recommended the application be approved.� Dr. Disko proposed approval of the application, if the pedestal sign be submitted prior to memoralizing the resolution at the next meeting.� This sign plan is to be submitted first to Dr. Disko for review as well as the drainage issue.� Mr. David suggested a vote of approval with the possibility of making the sign approval a separate application.� A vote was taken.� Yes: Mr. Beninati, Mr. Westbrook, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Schlenker, Mr. David, and Mr. Rica. Motion granted. Mr. Westbrook suggested the Master Plan Review be discussed at a work session. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.� Respectfully yours, Janet M. Murphy, Recording Secretary � � � |
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