Planning Board Minutes from 3/27/03

The meeting began with the pledge of allegiance.� Roll call was taken.� Present:� Mr. Westbrook, Mr. Beninati, Mr. Vitale, Mr. David, Mr. Tripodi, Mr. Pugliese, Mr. LoForte, Mr. Lepore, Mr. Beninati, and Mr. Canderella arrived late.� Absent:� Mr. Rappa, Mr. Schultz, and Mr. Rica.

Mayor Tripodi called for nominations for chairman.� Mr. Beninati nominated Mr. Westbrook, 2nd by Mr. Lepore.� All in favor.� A nomination for Mr. Vitale as vice-chairman was made by Mr. Westbrook, 2nd by Mr. Lepore.� All in favor.�� A motion to accept the February 27, 2003 minutes was made by Mr. Lepore, 2nd by Mr. Tripodi.� A motion to pay the attorney and the secretary was made by Mr. Beninati, 2nd by Mr. Lepore. All in favor.

COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Beninati read a note from the attorneys for V & R associates, requesting the application #02-03 be re-scheduled for April 24, 2003.� Mr. Lane suggested approval, pending re-notification to the neighbors (within 200 ft.) by V & R Associates.� Mr. Beninati will notify V & R Assoc. of this stipulation.

Another note from Pitney Partners, regarding withdrawal of Application #270, to consider other options.

A Letter from Mr. Lane, Board Attorney, wrote no board member shall participate in voting on an application of a business if that member holds 10% or more of their stocks.

RESOLUTIONS:� Application #01-03, Frank Pugliese, 229 N. 13th Street, was voted into resolution. A motion was made by Mr. Lepore, 2nd by Mr. Vitale. Yes:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Westbrook, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Lepore.� Abstained:� Mr. David and Mr. Tripodi.� Resolution granted.

Application #270, Pitney Partners, Michigan Avenue, for a food warehouse, was withdrawn.�

Application #14-02 for M.R.B.S., Mike Hoag, requested a re-scheduled hearing for April 24, 2003.

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OTHER BUSINESS:� Mr. David addressed the issue of the house on the corner of the Boulevard and 21st Street being moved onto the Veteran Center land.� Mr. Lane said the Historical Society might need a use variance or site plan. He will consult with Mr. Disko, town engineer, as to the proper procedure involving the Nitshke house re-location.�

NEW BUSINESS: The meeting was turned over to vice-chairman, Mr. Vitale, because Mr. Westbrook is employed by Schering.� Application #273, Schering-Plough Corp., K-4 Boiler expansion, was represented by Mike Steffner, project manager, and Mr. Barry Marell, attorney.� Mr. Marell stated this application requires site plan approval, and two "C" variances for parking relief and a height variance for the boiler stack.� Mr. Steffner represented this application.� Building K-4 has four elements to this project. l. The expansion of the building with two boilers.� 2.� One new 98' exhaust stack (8' 6" in diameter) with dual flues.� 3.� The re-location of a generator.� 4.� A new 125,000 gal. back-up fuel oil tank.

Dr. Disko presented a report regarding what effect the application has on adjacent property which is isolated from residential paoperties.� The parking is a technical issue, as there are no extra employees. Dr. Disko recommends the Board approve this application.�

Mr. Steffner said the stack is D.E.P.approved. The stack-emission permit is pending. The diesel fuel tank is double-contained to protect against spillage. Mr. Lane said the board would vote on site plan approval and two variances (with the approval of the D.E.P.).� Mr. Beninati moved the application be approved, 2nd by Mr. Lepore.� Yes:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Tripodi, Mr. Pugliese, Mr. LoForte, Mr. Lepore, Mr. Canderella.�

COMMENTS FOR THE GOOD OF THE BOARD:� Mayor Tripodi asked Mr. Westbrook if the Master Plan Revision and the fee revision are being worked on by committees.� Mr. Westbrook said they are being reviewed.� He stated he recently went to the N.J. Planners seminar.

A motion to adjourn at 8:35 was made by Mr. Beninati, 2nd by Mr. Lepore. All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet M. Murphy,

Planning Board Recording Secretary



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