�The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.� Present:� Mr. Beninati,� Mr.Michitsch, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr Schultz, Mr. Peters, Mr. Clementi, Mr. Deluca, Jr.( Mr. Candarella arrived late).� Absent:� Mr. Lepore, Mr. David, Mr. Soos, Mr. Laudati, and Mr. Russo. The Attorney and Secretary fees were approved by the Board. RESOLUTION:� Application #04-04, Mr. Glynos (the Diner and Apartments), 614-18 Boulevard, Block 86, Lots 16 & 17, for a setback Variance.� A motion to approve the Resolution was made by Mr. Peters, 2nd by Mr. Clementi.� All in favor:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Peters, and Mr. Clementi.� Resolution granted. NEW BUSINESS:� Application #286, Sprint Spectrum and Verizon Wireless, 201 S. 31st Street, Block 178, Lot 6, a Variance for wireless telecommunication tower & base units.� Mr. Marshall gave Mr. Beninati the Special Meeting fees and escrow fees.� Mr. Marshall, from the law office of Zublatt, LLC, represents Sprint Spectrum and Verizon Wireless.� His proposal for the 150� wireless tower at 301 South 31st Street is in an Industrial zone. NOTE:� A complete transcript of the proceedings, prepared by Michele Quick of Quick Shorthand Reporters, is available at the Borough Hall.� After the testimony, Mr. Vitale opened the meeting to the Public and to the Board.� He stated Mr. Beninati spent many hours working with both carriers to come to this joint agreement.� Mr. O�Brien, Town Planner, gave the following suggestions:� that the lighting be controlled by two manual switches (not automatic), with no generators on site, that the area be �cleaned up� of the debris, that the structural integrity of the monopole be made to accommodate the maximum number of carriers, and a special condition�that the monopole be removed by the owner if it is not used for a period of one year.� He suggested the Board review the setback and also suggested the Board decide if the flush-mount antennas are preferable to the platform antennas.� The Board agreed on the applicants� proposed setback and antennas.� Mr. Tango suggested a 6� thick stone driveway and installation of two bollards in front of the pole ( painted with reflective paint).� Mr. Lane suggested the two previous Applications #278 and #279 not be withdrawn until the appeal periods expire, and until the building permits are issued.� Mr. Marshall will provide the required time extensions for both applications.� A motion to approve Application #286, with the proposed modifications written into the Resolution, was made by Mr. Rappa, 2nd by Mr. Schultz.� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Peters, and Mr. Clementi.� The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Janet M. Murphy, Planning Board Recording Secretary |
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