Planning Board Minutes from 10/28/2004

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and an affirmation of the Open Public Meeting Act requirements.� A motion to approve the minutes of September 23, 2004 was made by Mr. Michitsch, 2nd by Mr. Schultz.�

Present at Roll Call:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Clememti, Mr. Candarella, and Mr. Russo.� Mr. Soos and Mr. David are at a meeting in Borough Hall.� Absent:� Mr. Lepore, Mr. Peters, Mr. Laudati, and Mr. Deluca, Jr.

Resolutions:� Application #12-04 for Mr. Malesz, 129 Park Drive, Block 92, Lot 23 for a side yard variance for and addition.� A motion to accept was made by Mr. Schultz, 2nd by Mr. Rappa.� All in favor:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Candarella, and Mr. Russo. Resolution approved.

A resolution for the Paul Reis decision regarding his Deli at 17 N. 20th Street.� This zoning interpretation allows the deli to have three tables and six chairs.� A motion to approve was made by Mr. Schultz, 2nd by Mr. Rappa.� All in favor:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Candarella, and Mr. Russo. Resolution approved.

New Business:� Application #14-04, Mr. Neville, RE: 33-35 N. 8th Street, Block 73, Lots 10 and 11.

Sworn in:� Mr. Gilbert Neville, 11 Station Road, Columbia, N. J.

Mr. Neville wants a variance to construct a 2-family home in an R-2 (single family) zone.�

He plans to move back to Kenilworth.� A prior request to build this 2-family house was denied by the zone official.� Mr. Neville intends to allow his grandson to live on the 2nd floor of the new home, which is next door to his son.� He stated there would be six off-street parking spaces, three for each unit.� There are ten other 2-family houses on N. 8th Street.� Mr. Vitale said a few are grandfathered and some (built by Mr. Kruger) had a variance.� In addition, the two (25� x 100�) lots must be combined to make one (50� x 100�) lot.�

Mr. Candarella suggested the six parking spots be indicated on the plans and be included in the resolution.� This will show a two-car garage, and two parking spaces in the back of the garage as well as two spaces in front of the garage.� Mr. Beninati made a motion to approve this application for resolution, 2nd by Mr. Michitsch.� All in favor:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Clementi, Mr. Candarella, and Mr. Russo.� Opposed:� Mr. Schultz.� Approved for resolution subject to the parking revisions.

Old Business:� Application #280A, V & R Associates (Mr. Paparatto), RE: 748 Lexington Avenue, Block 161, Lots 5, 6, & 11.02.� This is a Site Plan and Variance to convert an industry to a warehouse.� Mr. Alden Markson is the attorney for V & R Associates. Sworn in:� Mr. Ed Dek, engineer.�� Upon some prior Board suggestions, Mr. Dek will show a revision in the site plan.

�� The following are changes in the Building:� The length is reduced by 5� overall and the square footage is reduced by 360 sq. ft.�� The loading dock was moved back 5�.� The office space was increased from 200 sq.ft. to 500 sq. ft.

There will be no parking in the front setback area.

A 12� drainage pipe will be connected to an existing outlet, and a sump pump will be connected to the existing underground detention system.

A light will be added to the parking area, and there will be additional landscaping.

The impervious surface coverage is reduced from 81.5% to 78.2%.

(These revisions are in response to the Board Engineer, Mr. Tango�s, comments).

�� Mr. Tango stated: there are fourteen spaces instead of the required sixteen spaces. They are 15.5� each, instead of the required 18�.� These spaces must be paved and the parking striped, and also must comply with handicapped parking standards. . Variances are required for the parking areas.

Although the loading space is set back 5� further than the original plan, there is still insufficient onsite maneuvering to access the loading dock.� Trucks will have to �back down� Lexington Avenue.

The property is in a flood zone, and needs a Stream Encroachment Permit.

The size and species of the shrubs, as well as the building facade should be indicated.

He suggested the Natural Stone type face be in the front and on the westerly side of the building that faces the street.

Mr. Dek, stated:� the parking stalls will have 18� from front to back if the curb is moved over.� There is a 16� stall for handicapped parking.� The stone area parking is for employees only.� The roof leaders can be directed to an underground retention system, and he asked the Board to give conditional approval in order to comply with the new FEMA requirements.

Sworn in:� Mr. Vincent Paparatto, 1049 Bellaire Court, Mountainside, N. J.� He stated the sides and back of the building will be painted and the front will have a split blocked face.�

Mr. Tango said the applicant is providing the Board with a �compromise�, ex: truck maneuvering (trucks backing down the street) and parking variances.� He asked if the Board believes there should be further reduction of the building or be approved for another use that does not require truck docking.� Mr. Schultz said a �holding area� will be necessary for trucks waiting to dock.�

Mr. Dek said in order to accommodate a trailer to turn around on site; the building would have to be half as large.� Mr. Markson said the traffic on Lexington Avenue is not heavy.� The driveway can be reduced from 37� to 30� as required by the ordinances.

Mr. Dek said the larger driveway would accommodate trucks better.� There is very little residential traffic. Mr. Markson said this warehouse will be leased, and the size of the building does not require as much parking as an office or manufacturing area.� Mr. Rappa said the building and lot may not be adequate for warehouse use.� Mr. Vitale suggested either the applicant come back after further engineering review of his proposal, or request a vote be taken at this meeting.� Mr. Markson said the applicant can be available for further review by the Board engineer and Board attorney, and requested an extension to the December 16, 2004 meeting.� Permission granted.

Old Business:� Application #08-04, Dotro and Miceli, RE: 215 N. 8th Street, Block 24.01, Lot 4, for a variance to convert a commercial building to a residential house.� The applicants were not present.� Mr. Lane said the Board could deny for lack of prosecution, and the applicant can re-apply.� Mr. Beninati said a new application and fee would be necessary if they wish to pursue the request.� Mr. Schultz made a motion to dismiss, 2nd by Mr. Michitsch.� All in favor of dismissal:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Clementi, Mr. Candarella, and Mr. Russo.� Application dismissed.

Comments for the good of the Board:� Mr. Bailey is concerned about the Dotro and Miceli application.� He was told they must re-apply and re-notify the neighbors.

A motion to dismiss at 9:05 p.m. was made by Mr. Schultz, 2nd by Mr. Russo.� All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet M. Murphy,

Planning Board Recording Secretary

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