The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and an affirmation of the Open Public Meeting Act requirements.� Present at roll call:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch,� Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Peters, Mr. Soos, Mr. Candarella, Mr. Deluca, Jr.,and Mr. Russo.� Mr. Clementi arrived later.� Absent: Mr. Schultz, Mr. David, Mr. Lepore, and Mr. Laudati. The minutes of November 18, 2004, as well as payment of the Attorney and Recording Secretary fees were approved. Mr. Beninati announced the Members are invited to the annual Borough Holiday party on December 23, between 11:30 and 1:00. Resolutions:� Application #285-B, for Joe Neri, re: 25 N. 26th Street, Block 189, Lot 9, a Use Variance Only for a Minor Auto Repair Facility and outside storage of motor vehicles.� This application is bifurcated (postpone a portion). �The necessary Bulk variances and a site plan approval will come before the Board at another time. The existing crane storage and the (120 to 150) car storage is a multiple use, subject to the future site plan approval.� Mr. Neri agreed to remove the cranes from his property if the site plan is approved (Item #22 of the resolution).� A vote was taken to approve this resolution.� All in favor:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Peters, Mr. Clementi, and Mr. Candarella.� Resolution granted. New Business:� Application #12-04-A, Malesz, 129 Park Drive, Block 92, Lot 23, a variance for a front yard setback.� Sworn in: Mrs. Malesz.� She showed a plan of her house.� A corner section needs a setback variance. Mr. Beninati explained that another part of this application was previously approved by the Board.� A motion to approve was made by Mr. Rappa, 2nd by Mr. Soos.� All in favor:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Peters, Mr. Soos, Mr. Clementi, Mr. Candarella, Mr. Deluca, Jr., and Mr. Russo.� Application approved for resolution. Application # 15-04, the Scourzo Group, re: 630 Kingston Avenue, Block 120, Lot 23 for a side yard setback variance.� Mr. Brian Schwartz, attorney for the Scourzo Group, stated his client will leave the original structure, but a variance is needed, as it is 3.2� short of the side yard setback.� A motion to approve the application was made by Mr. Peters, 2nd by Mr. Soos.� All in favor:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Peters, Mr. Soos, Mr. Clementi, Mr. Candarella, Mr. Deluca, Jr., and Mr. Russo.� Application approved for resolution. Page 2 Old Business:� Application #280-A, V & R Associates (Paparatto), re: 748 Lexington Avenue, Block 161, Lots 5, 6, & 11.02, for a Site Plan and Variance,� Industry to Warehouse.� Mr. Aldan Markson, attorney for Mr. Paparatto, stated �a revised site plan was submitted, and the client is now proposing a modification.� The loading dock is eliminated, but insufficient parking is a problem.� Donald Guarriello, planner, was sworn in.� �Regarding the revision of December 3, 2004, he said there is no way to increase parking.� There are ten spaces presently.� If the building is reduced by 9�( this will add 3 or 4 parallel parking spaces), �the requirements are, in effect, now for 16 spaces.� The parking area on the railroad property can be paved.� The intent is for flexible usage as a warehouse or for industrial use.� Fourteen spaces are now possible.� Mr. Tango, Board Engineer, explained the original plan had 7,500 sq. ft. building area.�� The structure size with the future proposed plan (taking off 9�) reduces the building size by 870�� He said although the warehouse is reduced in size, there is still not enough space for a tractor trailer to access the site, without backing down the street.� The Board could mandate this building to be used as an office.� A very narrow area will be available for truck parking, and no vehicles could exit while a large (55�) tractor trailer is on site.� Mr. Vitale asked if a restriction to the resolution could include the statement that tractor-trailers would not be permitted.� Mr. Laughlin, Board Attorney, said there would be no way to enforce that.� If a property is zoned Industrial, and a tractor-trailer cannot access the area, this does not mean the property has no use.� Mr. Markson said it may be impossible to lease the property without allowing trailer parking.� Mr. Candarella questioned the measurements of the building.� The building will be reduced from 72� to 63�.� There is now 33� from the face of the building to the property line.� A small truck could get in there.� � Mr. Vincent Paparatto, 1049 Bellaire Court, Mountainside, N. J., was sworn in.� In answer to Mr. Rappas� question of having a similar situation at another site in town, Mr. Paparatto said he owns similar properties on North 8th Street and on 10th Street.� He stated there are no traffic problems at these sites, and straight-type trucks deliver to them.� The building on 8th Street has 6,000 sq. ft. with no loading dock.� The one on 10th Street is 7,000 sq. ft., utilizing a drive-in door.� There will be a 24� driveway for trucks at the site on Lexington Avenue.� Mr. Michitsch suggested the loading area be placed nearer to the street.� A rear loading area would be aesthetically better.� Mr. Tango said at a previous meeting with the applicant, Mr. Paparatto suggested the site could be used for a non-warehouse use.� However, at this meeting, he wants to utilize this site for Industrial/ Warehouse/ Office use.� With the new proposal, the site will still be 3 or 4 parking spaces short of the required 16 spaces.� Mr. Rappa asked Mr. Tango if all the other issues are satisfied.� Mr. Tango responded the following items (as stated in his December 13 report) need to addressed for additional relief: Page 3 Item 2B, regarding a variance for the size of each stall; �Item C, concerning the truck maneuvering area; �Item D, the two parking spaces in the rear of the building could be paved and striped to �����be used as �reserve spaces�; Item E, that all parking be paved and striped; �Item F, a 24� maneuvering isle is too narrow for tractor trailers, �Item G, justifying oversized driveway width (Mr. Markson said the first parking stall is for van parking); Item #4 a, the roof leaders need to be connected to the drainage system; Item #4 b, since the property is in a special flood hazard area, a NJDEP Stream Encroachment permit will be required.� Proper lighting should be placed in all areas. �Mr. Tango said the applicant should be required to supply a revised plan prior to the next meeting and present to the Board Engineer for approval.� The conditions of the Board should be reflected on this revised plan. A parking variance will be necessary. �Based on these requirements, Mr. Rappa made a motion to approve Application #280A, 2nd by Mr. Russo.� All in favor:� Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Rappa, Mr. Vitale, Mr. Clementi, Mr. Candarella, and Mr. Russo.� Application approved for Resolution (with the necessary conditions met).� The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Janet M. Murphy, Planning Board Recording Secretary |
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