of Planning Board Minutes The meeting
began with an affirmation of the Open Public Meetings Act requirements:
The schedule of meetings is on file in the Borough Clerks office, was
posted on the bulletin board, and has been mailed to the Cranford Chronicle,
the Kenilworth Leader, and the Star Ledger.� All present recited the Pledge
of Allegiance.� The Minutes from Roll Call:� Present:� Mr. Cirillo, Mr. Michitsch, Mr. Beninati, Mr. O�Malley, and Mr. Mancino.� Absent:� Mr. Soos, Mr. David, Mr. Deluca, Mr. Peters, Mr. Corcione, Mr. Dick, Mr. Schielke, and Mr. Pantina. Communications:� Mr. Beninati had no communications to report. Resolutions:� Application #3-07,� Pugliese, 109 No. 19th Street, Block 52, Lot 5, a rear yard setback variance for an outside elevator. This resolution will not be released to the applicant until the new, approved drawings are submitted. A motion was made by Mr. Michitsch to approve this resolution, 2nd by Mr. O�Malley.� All in favor:� Mr. O�Malley, Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, and Mr. Cirillo. Application #10-07, Cheema, 742 Vernon Avenue, Block 157, Lot 14, a variance for an addition with a non-conforming front setback. This resolution will not be released to the applicant until the new drawings are submitted. �A motion to approve this resolution was made by Mr. O�Malley, 2nd by Mr. Michitsch.� All in favor:� Mr. O�Malley, Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, and Mr. Cirillo. Application
#7-02 & #11-07, Vitale Family Trust, RE: 407 No. 14th
Street, Block 5, Lots 10 & 11, a Variance and sub-division. Mr. Beninati
will verify that Mr. Vitale submitted a deed (for the easement) to Application #12-07, Santana, 622 Kingston Ave, Block 120, Lots 14 & 15, a variance for a garage and addition to re-build after a fire.� A motion to approve this resolution was made by Mr. Michitsch, 2nd by Mr. O�Malley.� All in favor:� Mr. O�Malley, Mr. Mancino, Mr. Beninati, Mr. Michitsch, and Mr. Cirillo. Application
#5-07, Our Little World, Page 2 Other Business: Mr. Mancino
questioned the necessity for a Resolution in cases of a Denial. Resolutions
for Denials have been a matter-of-course, and �Mr. Beninati addressed the issue of Lot Coverage.� The Building Department is concerned about maximum coverage for residential housing. �Mr. Michitsch will check on our ordinances.� He is also concerned that residents are not applying for necessary permits.� The zoning inspector follows up on any complaints made by neighbors. �Mr. Mancino said a permit should be necessary for any driveway changes.� He said the zoning inspector should drive around the town and look for infractions of the zoning laws.� �Mr. O�Malley pointed out that there should be enough money generated from fines and permit fees to pay for an inspectors� extra time to implement this.� The Board agrees that more zone and building code enforcement is needed, as well as enforcement of the decisions of the Planning Board. Mr. Peter
LaGregor, acting Board Attorney, asked the Board if they want Mr. O�Malley said simple projects may have, for example, thirty days, and allowing more time for larger projects.� This could be decided when each case comes before the Board.� Mr. Michitsch said many residents may not be aware what work requires permits:� ex. Roofs, siding, fences, air conditioners, etc.� Mr. Mancino said the contractors should be required to submit a bond for work they do in the town. Mr. O�Malley said the inspectors cannot keep up with all the suggested extra duties; therefore their hours should be increased.� �A letter drafted by the Board Attorney must be given to the Mayor and Council with these grievances and suggestions.� The meeting
adjourned at Respectfully submitted, Janet M. Murphy, Planning Board Recording Secretary � |
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