Planning Board Re-Org 1/3/2008



JANUARY 3, 2008

Mr. Cirillo started the meeting with an affirmation of the Open Public Meeting Act and the Pledge of Allegiance.� Roll Call:� Ms. Fiamingo, Mr. Cirillo, Mr. Beninati, Mr. Pantina, Mr. Corcione, Mr. O�Malley,� Mr. Schielke, and Mr. Mancino. �A motion was made to approve the Recording Secretary�s� fee.� All in favor.

The meeting was turned over to Mayor Kathi Fiamingo.


Ms. Fiamingo presided.� The following officials were sworn in:� Anthony Lepore (#4), Robert Herbert (#2), Sal Candarella, Councilman, Anthony Pugliese (Alternate #3), and Rudy Cammarota (Mayor Designee).


Mr. Mancino noted that only class #4 members may nominate (and 2nd), and vote for Board officials.� Mr. Vitale stated any member may make a motion and second that motion.� Only class 4 members are eligible to run as Officers.

Mr. Beninati made a motion to nominate Mr. Lepore as Board Chairman, 2nd by

Mr. Herbert.� Mr. O�Malley made a motion to nominate Mr. Cirillo as Board Chairman, 2nd by Mr. Pantina.� A vote for Mr. Lepore was taken.� All in favor:� Ms. Fiamingo, Mr. Beninati, Mr. Lepore, Mr. Herbert, and Mr. Candarella.� Opposed:� Mr. Pantina, Mr. Corcione, and Mr. O�Malley, and Mr. Cirillo.

Ms. Fiamingo said Mr. Lepore, as Chairman, will now preside over the meeting.

Mr. Beninati made a motion to nominate Mr. O�Malley as Vice-Chairman, 2nd by Mr. Corcione.� All in favor:� Mr. Pantina, Mr. O�Malley, Mr. Cirillo, and Mr. Beninati.� Opposed:� Ms. Fiamingo, Mr. Corcione, Mr. Lepore, Mr. Herbert, and Mr. Candarella.�

Mr. Herbert made a motion to nominate Mr. Corcione as Vice-chairman, 2nd by Mr. Candarella.� All in favor:� Ms. Fiamingo, Mr. Pantina, Mr. Corcione, Mr. O�Malley, Mr. Cirillo, Mr. Beninati, Mr. Lepore, Mr. Herbert, and Mr. Candarella.�

Mr. Candarella made a motion to nominate Mr. Beninati as Secretary, 2nd by Mr. Corcione.� All in favor:� Ms. Fiamingo, Mr. Pantina, Mr. Corcione, Mr. O�Malley, Mr. Cirillo, Mr. Lepore, Mr. Herbert, and Mr. Candarella.� Mr. Beninati abstained.

Voting for Recording Secretary

Ms. Fiamingo made a motion to nominate Mrs. Janet Murphy as Recording Secretary, 2nd by Mr. O�Malley. ��All in favor

Vote for Board Attorney

Mr. Herbert made a motion to nominate Mr. Thomas Vitale as Board Attorney, 2nd by Mr. Candarella.� Mr. Pantina made a motion to nominate Mr. Lane, 2nd by Mr. Corcione.

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A vote for Mr. Vitale was taken.� All in favor:� Ms. Fiamingo, Mr. Lepore, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Candarella.� Mr. Cirillo recused himself, and since alternate #1 was not present, Alternate #2, Mr. Schielke voted in favor of Mr. Vitale.� Opposed: Mr. Pantina, Mr. Corcione, Mr. O�Malley, and Mr. Beninati.�

Approval for the 2008 Workshop and Regular Meetings Calendar

Ms. Fiamingo made a motion to approve the dates (see attachment: page 3), 2nd by Mr. Candarella.� All in favor.

Mr. Beninati presented a preliminary list of the applications to be heard on the first regular meeting of the year (January 24, 2008).� When all applicants have conformed to the required notifications, Mr. Beninati will announce the formal schedule a week before the meeting.�

Comments for the Good of the Board

Mr. Beninati welcomed the new members.� Mr. Candarella was glad to be a returning member, and suggested the future meetings be more formal, with one person at a time addressing the applicants.� Mr. Lepore and all of the members are looking foreword to a productive year.

Mr. Beninati told the members they are required to attend training sessions.� When the State issues the training dates, he will distribute a schedule of those to the new members.

Mr. Mancino said new bye-laws must be adopted and updated soon.� He will work on a committee with the Board Attorney to assist in this effort.� Mr. Beninati made a motion to update them this year, 2nd by Mr. Candarella.� All in favor.

�Mr.� Mancino was working with a committee to update the bye-laws.�

Mr. Pantina said an impervious coverage code was discussed last year, and wanted to know if any further measures were taken.� Ms. Fiamingo said one of the major projects for this Board is to work on a new Master Plan.� She said Mr. Kevin O�Brien, planner, had some suggestions, and the coverage code would be a part of the revised Plan.�

Ms. Fiamingo introduced Mr. Richard O�Connor as the Planning Board and Borough Engineer.� He is a member of the Grotto Engineering Associates in Cranford.

Mr. Vitale said he was Board Attorney in 1989, and is looking foreword serving again.�

Mr. Swayze, former Board Engineer, will attend the next meeting to review the Storm Water Ordinance, and a vote will be taken, as required by the state.

Comments by the Public

Mr. Herb Michitsch, former Vice-chairman, challenged the voting process, stating that only class #4 members can vote for the Officials.� Mr. Lepore said Mr. Vitale will look into this matter.

Adjournment ��The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet M. Murphy, Planning Board Recording Secretary

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����������������������� PLANNING BOARD MEETING DATES�2008

����������� The Planning Board of the Borough of Kenilworth hereby gives notice of the regularly scheduled meetings for the year 2008 as follows:

����������� WORK SESSIONS��������������������������������������������������� REGULAR MEETINGS

Re-organization��� January 3����� ����������������������������������������������� January 24

February 7������������������������������������������������������������������������������ February 28

March 6���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� March 27

April 3������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� April 24

May 1������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� May 22

June 5������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� June 26

No session������ ����������������������������������������������������������������������� July 24

No session������������������������������������������������������������������������������ August 28

September 4���������������������������������������������������������������������������� September 25

October 2������������������������������������������������������������������������������� October 23

November 6���������������������������������������������������������������������������� November 20

December 4���������������������������������������������������������������������������� December 18

Re-organization meeting-----January 8, 2009----7:00 p.m.

All work sessions will begin at 7:00 p.m.� All regular meetings will begin at 7:30 p.m.

A copy of this notice has been posted at Borough Hall, 567 Boulevard, Kenilworth, N.J.


Planning Board Secretary

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