of � The meeting began with an affirmation of the Open Public Meetings Act requirements: The schedule of meetings is on file in the Borough Clerks office, was posted on the bulletin board, and has been mailed to the Cranford Chronicle, the Kenilworth Leader, and the Star Ledger.� All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval was given to pay the Recording Secretary. Roll Call:� Mr. Lepore, Mr. Pantina, Ms. Bogus, Mayor Fiamingo, Councilman Candarella, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Cirillo, Mr. Pugliese, Mr. Sica, Mr. Laurie, Mr. Picerna, and Mr. Cammarota. �NOTE: Mayor, councilmen, and mayors-designee are not eligible to vote on Board of Adjustment matters. Communications:� Ms. Bogus said there were no communications to report. New Business:� Application #308 & 2-09,Townsquare Land Holding/Consolidated Steel & Alum Fence Co, 316 N. 12th Street, Block 9, Lot 1, Site Plan & Variance/ exceeding Maximum lot coverage.� Mr. Stephen Hale is the attorney representing this client.� He said the client wants to place a small addition to the building in the rear of the property, (approximately 2,500 sq. ft.)� Requests of the engineer for fencing and other improvements will be met by the applicant. Sworn in:� Mr. O�Brien, Board Planner.� He showed three areas of the site as exhibits.� �Sworn in:
Mr. John DeRosa, co-owner of Consolidated Fence.� His company, which has
been at this site for 39 years, manufactures, ships, and installs fencing
in N. J., N.Y., and Mr. Herbert
said residents are concerned about the present lack of property maintenance,
and asked if he is willing to place hi-buffered greens and, as a condition
of resolution, improve ongoing maintenance of this property.� Mr. DeRosa
agreed.� Mr. Cirillo said the parking situation is very bad by Sworn in:�
Mr. Robert Freud, Licensed Engineer.� He produced exhibit A-1, a copy
of the site plan.� The office is a 2-story building with 11 parking spaces
off Page 2 There are
eleven parking spaces off Mr. Pantina
asked if the 32 required parking spots could be added.� This would reduce
the storage area of the lot.� The attorney said an additional five head-on
spaces may be added by the fence line.� These could be shown on the plan,
but not delineated on the gravel.� Parking signage could be added.� Mr.
Herbert said very few additional vehicles go through the property.� Mr.
O�Brien said the street was filled with cars when he visited the area.���
Sworn in:� Les Trible, architect.� He produced exhibit A-2, depicting
the proposed structure.� It will be made of the same materials as the
existing building.� Sworn in:� Jack Szpara, a neighbor.� He has lived
near this business for fifteen years.� He passed around pictures showing
excessive overgrowth and general disrepair (lunch garbage, oil, chemicals,
bottles and refuse).� There is loud music and vulgarity coming from the
workers.� Parking is impossible on his street. Trucks cannot back-up on
Mr. Lepore made a motion to hear Application #09-01 next.� The mayor, councilman, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Sica, and Mr. Cirillo are recused.� The two alternates are asked to vote. Application
# 09-01, Borough of Kenilworth/Grotto Engineering, RE: lots by Black
Brook Park, Block 15, Mr. Harvey Fruchter is the Attorney for the Borough.� Sworn in:� Mr. Brian Joho, Chairman of the Finance Committee.� He said the Council suggested this surplus parcel of land should be used to generate revenue for the Borough.� The property should have a value of 1.5 million dollars.� Although Borough expenses were reduced, additional revenue is needed. Page 3 �Sworn in:� Mr. O�Connor, Grotto Engineering.� He said the site (formerly known as the Girl Scout property) is about one acre (200� x 225�), south of Black Brook Park.� It is an R-1 zone, and the proposed sub-division (plan A-1) would consist of seven lots.� The requested variance is for two of the lots that would be undersized at 50� wide.� Two other lots would require side yard variances.� He said it is inherent and beneficial to the area. Sworn in:�
Mr. Kevin O�Brien, planner.� He said the plan meets the character of the
neighborhood.� Sworn in:� Mr. Michael Ramos, The Mayor and Councilman left the meeting, since they cannot vote on the remaining applications.� Application
#307 & 1-09, Hartmann, RE:� The attorney
for Mr. Hartmann said the applicant made some revisions to comply with
the requests of the planner and engineer.� The proposed garden center
will be an improvement to this site.� Sworn in:� Mr. O�Brien and Mr. O�Connor.�
They provided photos and reports.� Sworn in:� Mr. John Hartmann, Page 4 �A frontal
parking variance is requested; other businesses on The attorney
for the applicant said this business fits into the neighboring area.�
A previous trucking terminal had more vehicular traffic.� Mr. O�Brien
is in favor of a fully paved front parking area. It will add to the aesthetics
of Application #4-09, Laversa, 30 N. 18th Street, Block 54, Lot 11, a variance/ two-family in an R-2 zone.� Mr. Herbert is recused.� Sworn in:� Mr. Joe Laversa, Jr., speaking in behalf of his uncle.� He is proposing a duplex, and wants a use variance in a single family zone.� A 16�7� frontage is now present, where 25� is required.� Other single family and two family houses exist in this area.� The lot is 75� x 100� and can accommodate a duplex.� Mr. Pantina said any structure must meet the 25� setback.� Mr. Cirillo said this is a single family zone and it should remain a one family zone.� A motion to approve this application was made by Mr. Sica, 2nd by Ms. Bogus.� All in favor:� Mr. Sica, Ms. Bogus, Mr. Lepore, Mr. Laurie, and Mr. Picerna.� Opposed:� Mr. Cirillo and Mr. Pantina. Comments for the Good of the Board: Progress on the Master Plan:�� Mr. Lepore said the Master Plan committee had the first meeting.� The committee will discuss specifics at the June 17 meeting.� The suggestions will be presented to the Council and to the Planning Board at a future meeting.� There is a possibility of a town meeting to get suggestions from the public.� The Plan will be addressed one section at a time.� The following are the committee members:� Regina Hrynkowitcz, John Beninati, Bob Laurie, Sal Candarella, Fred Pugliese, Tony Lepore, and 3 community members. Page 5 �Mr. Herbert, as zoning officer, would like to be notified of the dates the committee plans to present suggestions to the Council.� The committee has an agenda and a target date for the public portion in October.� Adjournment:�
The meeting adjourned at Respectfully submitted, Janet M. Murphy, Planning Board Recording Secretary |
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