Planning Board Special Meeting 6/4/2009

Borough of Kenilworth

Planning Board Minutes

June 4, 2009

8:00 pm

Special Meeting

The meeting began with an affirmation of the Open Public Meetings Act requirements: The schedule of meetings is on file in the Borough Clerks office, was posted on the bulletin board, and has been mailed to the Cranford Chronicle, the Kenilworth Leader, and the Star Ledger.�

Chairman Lepore indicated that the purpose of this special meeting was for the Planning Board to consider the memorialization of a resolution for Application #09-01 (Major subdivision), Borough of Kenilworth, 339 North 18th Street, Block 15, Lot 5.

Roll Call:� Mr. Lepore, Mayor Fiamingo, Mr. Pantina, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Cirillo, Mr. Pugliese, Mr. Laurie, Mr. Picerna, and Mr. Cammarota.�� Excused:� Mr. Candarella and Ms. Bogus.� Absent: Mr. Sica.

Mayor Fiamingo, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Cirillo, and Mr. Cammarota excused themselves from the dais.

Resolutions:� Application #09-01, Borough of Kenilworth, 339 North 18th Street, Block 15, Lot 5, (Major sub-division � 7 lots in R-2 zone).� This is an application for approval of the major subdivision.� A motion to memorialize the resolution approving the application was made by Mr. Laurie, 2nd by Mr. Picerna.� All in favor:� Mr. Lepore, Mr. Pugliese, Mr. Pantina, Mr. Picerna, and Mr. Laurie.

The Planning Board attorney advised that the Borough would be required to advertise the memorialization of this resolution.

Public Comment:� The meeting was opened to the public by the Board.� No member from the public appeared to speak on any matter.

Adjournment:� The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

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