Planning Board Minutes 5/26/2011

Borough of Kenilworth

Planning Board Minutes

May 26, 2011

The meeting began with an affirmation of the Open Public Meetings Act.� The schedule of meetings is on file in the Borough Clerks� office, was posted on the bulletin board, and has been mailed to the Cranford Chronicle, the Kenilworth Leader, and the Star Ledger.� All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Board approved the March 24, 2011 minutes.� Approval was given to pay the Recording Secretary.

Roll Call:Present: Mr. Lepore, Ms. Bogus, Mr. Candarella, Mr. Pugliese, Mr. Cuppari, and Mr. Murphy.

Absent:� Mr. Picerno, Mr. Sica,Mr. Badalli,and Mr. Manee.

Absent and excused: Mr. Cammarota.

Communications:Ms. Bogus said the attorney for Application #1-11sent a letter, dated May 23, 2011.

New Business:Application #4-11 & #323, Verizon Wireless, NY/SMSA, 201 So. 31st Street, Block 178, Lot 6, Use variance and site plan.

Mr. Candarella, councilman, was excused.� There are only five voting members present.

Since five affirmative votes are needed for a Use variance approval, the attorney for Verizon Wireless requested a postponement to the June 23, 2011 meeting.� Mr. Lepore said there is no need to re-notice the public.

Mr. Guidetta, Board Attorney, said, ideally, a full board of seven people should be present when a Use variance is heard.�

Comments for the Good of the Board:The meeting was opened to the public.� Mr. Michitsch, resident, asked why the Pugliese application was not on the May Agenda.� He was at the Council meeting the previous day, and it was mentioned that application would be heard tonight.� He said the Council should be aware of the scheduled applications.� It should have been stated that the Pugliese application was incomplete and would not be heard at the May Planning Board session.

Mrs. Michitsch, resident, questioned the two-family housing situation.� She was told to call Ellen Johns about the applications.�

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet M. Murphy,

Planning Board Recording Secretary

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